i see words in my head too, if i think of the word and want to see it. i think it's kind of impossible not to see it in some weird way. i mean it's like thinking about a person, you see their face on some level.
I *hear* words in my head as I read or write them - which sometimes leads to me writing, say, "right" istead of "write" , or "you're" insted of "your" , if I'm not firing on all cylinders. I 'm not conscious of visualising them, but I suppose I must, to a degree, or else I wouldn't remember how to spell them, would I? (but, like i said, my visual memory is crap, so it mystifies me that I manage to do that at all).
Just to complicate matters, I have Auditory Processing Disorder, so if somebody says an unfamilar word (or a familiar word, but with insufficient contextual information to distuinguish it from similar-sounding words) I've no idea how to hear it in my head, or repeat it back, or spell it phonetically, until I actually see it written down.
So, I have a better memory for aural input, but a much better comprehension of written input. I need both. (So, when I read a text, i'm always reading it aloud to myself in my head, and it amazed me to find that some people don't)