Adrenal junky all the way.
Want a laugh?
I rode my bike and hit the back of a truck. I flipped over and said it was exzillerating.
How the fuck do I spell exzillerating? I seem to have lost bits of mind over the years do to trauma, doesn't mean I am stupid, but it
suggests the other person is. See how careful I can be if I want to? I inherrited my grandmother's sensitivity and charitableness. I promised her I would take care of everything before she died, including her daughter who has failed all medication so far. I saw the chest rise up and down suggesting a trying effor to be emotional. I tried to help her long before she died, and I was also made fun of by my mom, saying I was ahypochodriac. I knew, I sense, The hypochodriac had 3 stage cancer, thanks for that correction Callaway. They said 6 months to a year, however the median is 6-8 months. I tried to help my grandmother long before she died, but it seemed like she wouldn't listen. I am doing the same with my mom, and she just can't get it. I see death.
Thanks or being supportive of me. I need to do finish what I promised, I don't want my mom to die.