
Author Topic: Questions for Callaway  (Read 145878 times)

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Offline Walkie

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3360 on: September 16, 2016, 02:19:04 AM »
Callaway should come back.

Yep, miss her. for any bullying I'd have to see it to believe it myself I guess, sorry.

Also was it her or someone else using her profile? Didn't that happen a couple times here in the past?
Interesting question.
I'm one of the people who knows Callaway from way back. Way, way back before Intensity, and have collaborated with her, behind the scenes,  in anti-bullying campaigns. So you can guess how far I am from believing her to be a bully in nature. And yet, a lot of people who haven't known Callaway that long are calling her a bully, and coming up with credible evidence.
I find this perplexing.  And I very much feel it's best to acknowlege that dichotomy openly rather than let it continue to quietly stew in the background.  If Callaway ever does come back, she'll surely face a load of shit on this account. Indeed said shit might be what drove her away in the first place :(

I'm with Odeon, et al.  Very much hope she's OK.


Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3361 on: September 16, 2016, 04:57:03 PM »
And yet, a lot of people who haven't known Callaway that long are calling her a bully, and coming up with credible evidence.

When you first brought this up, I just figured maybe one person was filling your ear. It's impossible for everyone to get along with everyone, and I'm sure this is no exception so I didn't think much of it. Now you're saying it's a lot of people. I don't expect you to tell your sources since you seem fine to make the claim for them, but I'm getting curious about this evidence.  :orly:

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3362 on: September 16, 2016, 05:38:23 PM »
Callaway was one of the sweatest, thoughtful, most caring people I have ever interacted with on the interwebs...EVER!!!
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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3363 on: September 16, 2016, 07:17:28 PM »
Have you seen her bully anyone? :-\

Yes, a long time ago, Hiro. That was a fucked up situation. I also used to find her descriptions of life with her daughter deeply disturbing.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3364 on: September 16, 2016, 08:17:39 PM »
Have you seen her bully anyone? :-\

Yes, a long time ago, Hiro. That was a fucked up situation. I also used to find her descriptions of life with her daughter deeply disturbing.

Ummm, hate to disagree, but the Hiro example woud be a very grey area, wouldn't it? Didn;'t Callaway call him out over some seriously nasty behaviour, in the chat room,  on his side?   

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3365 on: September 16, 2016, 08:23:47 PM »
Callaway kept her evidence to herself and expected people to take her word for it that Hiro's behavior was nasty enough to warrant hers.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3366 on: September 16, 2016, 08:41:44 PM »
Callaway kept her evidence to herself and expected people to take her word for it that Hiro's behavior was nasty enough to warrant hers.
she had a good reason for keeping the evidence to herself though didn't she? and hiro's behaviour in public waspretty damned nasty, IIRC. like i said, very grey area. 

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3367 on: September 16, 2016, 08:57:31 PM »
Her reason was to protect the privacy of the victims.

At the time I objected on the grounds of the lack of a fair trial, and nobody really paid it much attention. That was ten years ago. Maybe in the context of the social justice witch hunts which plague social media now, that position is a little clearer. This place is about standing up for yourself and yet the supposed victims wouldn't talk.

What nastiness were you seeing in hiro's public behavior? I said it was a fucked up situation, but from where I stood, there was no clear bad guy or good guy. Maybe if you were working closely with her at the time, you had access to different information. The average person didn't, and she used pretty harsh tactics, spamming his real name everywhere.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3368 on: September 17, 2016, 12:43:48 AM »
Here's what I don't get: why does this come up now? Everyone involved is gone. :-\
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Offline Walkie

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3369 on: September 17, 2016, 06:02:49 AM »
And yet, a lot of people who haven't known Callaway that long are calling her a bully, and coming up with credible evidence.

When you first brought this up, I just figured maybe one person was filling your ear. It's impossible for everyone to get along with everyone, and I'm sure this is no exception so I didn't think much of it. Now you're saying it's a lot of people. I don't expect you to tell your sources since you seem fine to make the claim for them, but I'm getting curious about this evidence.  :orly:

More than one person,   Jack, but , on reflection , the term  "a lot" was pushing it.  I've certainly  seen one substantiated case , which really puzzled me ; also, TBH,  i'd got the impression  that   Pyraxis had some hard evidence .  But if it's only Hiro (plus her misgivings  about Calloway's family relationships)  I don't really count any of that. Otherwise , it's a few vague mutterings that might  be based on mistaken identity, misubderstanding or whatever.  (I've been called a bully myself, on occasion,  so I know how easy it is for people to get the wrong impression. Actually, those occasions could nearly all be traced back to actual bullies  making pre-emptive strikes by quietly spreading poison  by PM . I wouldn't be surprised if  Calloway had similar problems)

It's not like I've been rooting around for dirt on Calloway, with a view to calling her out. Far from it.  I just stumbled on some stuff, and i definitely don't want to call her out.  I'm pretty sure there's some kind of  explanation., irrespective of wehether I ever get to know that explanatibn or not.    I might go over details with  Calloway, in private, if she wantedt, but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect  old issues that woul;ld only cause pain for all concerrned. (I checked back with source about that) . I sympathise with all protagonists on this one. 

Here's what I don't get: why does this come up now? Everyone involved is gone. :-\

Odeon, I think you  mght have been talking to Pyraxis there? In the  instance I'm refering  to, it's not that everybody's gone, so I'm being extremely careful not to offer any clues  re. identity.   This post has been extremely difficult for me, because I keep scratching out a good half of what I want say, for that reason.

Pyraxis was posting  to back me up, presumably. That's why I don't like quibbling with her on this.  But I think it reflects far  too badly on Calloway if you only hear Pyraxis non-representative view about the Hiro affair. The board were aware of her views at the time, and she was in a clear minority.  I don't see any value in raking that over again.  Not least because Pyraxis last post about it contained a detail that I'd clean forgotten  in the very-long-interim, so we'd be walking on very  shaky ground.

I'd like to add that not only does nobody (that I know of) want to make a public issue of this; the victiim  waasn't even attacking Calloway behind her back, not even naming Calloway, just discussing  own resulting problems. Calloway's name emerged from the records, to my immense surprise.

That's one reason why I responded to McJ's enquiry like I did.  Mc J can be one heckova a bully when he's sure he's in the right. It occured to me that this thread might wind up looking  like some kinfd of bullies' club , from a certain perspective.    (heck the whole damned board looks like a bullies club at times, doesn't it?) So, all those glowing character references that emerged following my post, were exactly what I hoped to see. So as to put things into their proper perspective, and demonstate the real reason why we all miss Calloway so much.

I put that in bold because that's the one good thing that's emerged from my post, and I think it's important.  I had other motivations (as stated) , but I'm far from  sure it was such a good idea from other points-of-view.

I'm beginning to think that , in all likelihood, no substantial allegations are gonna emerge from the woodwork, now , or ever, because there are no substantial allegations, only instances of Calloway hitting back  too hard (debatably) .   At present I'm feling relieved about that...and somewhat embarrassed for inadvertently blowing it up bigger than it actually is.  But hey! I shall be all-too-happy to stay embarrassed, if that's how it goes.


« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 06:19:38 AM by DrunkardsWalk »

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3370 on: September 17, 2016, 01:15:19 PM »
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 01:18:50 PM by Gopher Gary »

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3371 on: September 17, 2016, 01:24:30 PM »
Mc J can be one heckova a bully

McJagger once stuck me in a locker and threw my books in the trash.  :zoinks:

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3372 on: September 17, 2016, 02:51:06 PM »
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:

Yeah, this. I'm fine with dropping it, it's all long past. I mainly continued because Walkie was asking me direct questions.

There might have been other examples. Right now, I don't remember. It was only chance that I remembered the thing with Hiro.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3373 on: September 17, 2016, 03:03:15 PM »
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:
Well I've said all i wanted to say, so I don't mind hushing at all.  I think proof is irrelevant, unless I was actually trying to demonise her. Like I said, all those posts backing her up were the main response that I personally  wanted out of this.  And am I trying to say "you're all wrong. Look closely at this" No I'm not.   I'm saying something happened that I can;'t explain, that's all. But , lthen, uckily, nobody's demanding explanationsm, are they?  All the people who were actually involved are either absent from the board or else trying to put it behind them.

A load of people have stated that Calloway is the last peron to bully anyone. I agree.  If there are any ugly rumours to the opposite doing the rounds that should give the recipents pause for thought, shouldn't it? However, given that Pyraxis was the only person to jump in and disagree (and from her own observation, not from rumours)  i don't suppose that ugly rumours are much of an issue, if they're any issue at all

Not only is proof irrelevant,in the face of all that,  Jack, it would inescapably raise a whole load of other shit that seems to have been mercifully forgotten .Stirring it up would really hurt people, and not just Calloway. You have no idea what you're suggesting and I'm not gonna explain it  to you, not even in private, because that would just be  gossip.

Somebody suggested that maybe someone impersonated Callaway? Well, maybe, I don't know. That's one way of majking sense of things.  But , really, I don't see any point  in investigating it, not unless Calloway comes back, tells us that was case,  abnd wants it investigated. I think the rest of us are totally happy  just to assume that  there's an innocent explanation. And even if we weren't totally happy with that, what's it to us? Does our curiosity justify spreading other peoples' dirty washing  all over the board? No, it doesn't.

This isn't a call out. You're applying the wrong mindset. You're dead  wrong to say that I should offer proof or drop it. I should drop it  , sure, but I shouldn't be offering you proof, either way.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 03:05:29 PM by DrunkardsWalk »

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Re: Questions for Callaway
« Reply #3374 on: September 17, 2016, 03:04:29 PM »
but i'm not about to try to demonise her, nor resurrect old issues 

And somehow it happened anyway. Maybe you should show your proof or hush up about it.  :zoinks:

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