How did you sprain your ankle?, I haven't been around here for awhile, and just came back.
Epsom salt is what they use for sprains. Sulfate is benefical for liver detoxification. A paper I read a while back on autism said a significant amount weren't good at oxidizing sulfur to sulfate form. I would like to point out this was autism, and not aspergers, but this may have important implications. Awhile back, I was adding green tea to my epsom salt bath for added benefit, and plantars warts on the bottom of my foot. Tannins in green tea come out after 10 minutes or more of brewing, are astringent in taste, and antibacterial.
Magnets are good for pain, and increase healing by raising circulation. Increased circulation supports better digestion and detoxification also. I used to be in pain after strength training, but this is no longer the case, perhaps because of the magnetic bracelets I am wearing right now. I used to have 6 but lost 4, but still no pain. They were $5.35 per bracelet, but magnets fell out a few times also. It doesn't say this on the package, about how your supposed to rinse them off, as they accumulate ions that interfer with their functions. I also used to drink magnetized water to.