Well no shit!
Callaway is one of the nicest people I have met in a long time. Mom is mean half the time, dad don't care, I am even neglected by doctors.
How is this?
* AllDayGlowRandy bows down to Callaway. I have been doing that alot lately because I thinks its proper sign of respect, and I couple it with a smile. Its exercise for my abs to.
You know who is a bitch? My girflriend, I mean she likes wolves so much, and there a like a dog which is a female dog. She is quite a "Bitch" Sometimes, and those are the times when I act in professional manner to help her. I generally say I don't want to argue, as it does not help you. I don't Care about that 50 year old man you are daiting, I care about you.
So you don't feel left out,
* AllDayGlowRandy bows down to purposefulinsanity. You are also one of the nicest people I have met in a long time.
Do you understand what that means to a person with Complex Post truamatic stress disorder? Do you know how tiring and at times annoying it is? You do, by that awful pm I sent you. I appologize again for that. I bet you learned something from that, the same way I learned from my spats with Jessica.
Your not a gorilla, your a smart person with AS, just like my girlfriend. You may eat bananas alot, but your certainly not a gorilla. You do know that was a joke, sexual in nature don't you? I bet you did.