Pakis make good cricketers, and Persians made good rugs.
Persia no longer exists, BTW.
With persians, I mean iranians who aren't turks or jews. I also count some afghans as "persian". The ones who are of the same racial type as persian iranians. Imo, everything Hitler said about the jews is true when it comes to iranian people.
I would like to start a website based in a country where it's not illegal with hatespeech. It would be called "Kebab Sodomy" and bring up everything anyone would ever want to know about iranian and middle-eastern people, along with ugly caricatures. Their traditional music would be ridiculed, their food, their culture, their looks, genetics etc. An entire section would be dedicated to the low self esteem of iranian women etc etc. Ofc Islam would be bashed as well and there would be a montly Mohammed caricature contest.
Don't count yer chickens, cookie boy. Just mentioning that shit could get Interpol's radar homing in on you.
Do note that this sort of thing borders on breaking against the TOS since it encourages activities that are considered illegal in many countries. If I had to choose between the plastic boy wonder and this site, I'd happily give him to the wolves.
As for me, I consider all humans equal. Subhumans such as Soiledarse, however, who thrive on hatred, bigotry and racism, should be left outside, naked, come winter.