Why are you drawn to cows? Do you own any yourself? Do you have a favourite kind?
I really don't know. It's from so young on. Not obsessed with them any more. But they are still my favourite animal. And they do feel and smell great. And when you sit beside a meadow, and they come slowly closer, curious, and still grazing, that's such a nice sound.
I have quite a few farmers in my family. The aunt and uncle I liked visiting the most were letting us kids do all kinds of things with the cows. We milked them, fed them, cleaned them, were there during calving.
I also seem to have known everything of every cow there. How much milk they produced, fat percentage of the milk etc. I do not recall that. But it was what my parents told during my diagnosis evaluation.
I did know every cow by name though, and the temper of every one. Meek, anxious, friendly, obnoxious.
In my poetry album I had as a child, my uncle pasted a picture of his cows.

On it was my favourite one.
The feel of calves sucking on my fingers when they needed to learn to drink from a bucket is a good memory.
I mainly know the Dutch black and white Friesian Holland type cows from my youth (smaller predecessor of the Friesian Holstein). But my aunt and uncle where I was a lot, also had one Jersey cow, she was gorgeous. Very friendly, and nosey, she had a habit of breaking out. My Opa had, beside his Friesian cattle a few Blaarkop cows, both black and brown. And one cow with weird spots on her side, it was a distinct race, but don't recall what kind of.
Not far from me, there is a small group of Lakenvelders. Not the cuddliest type of cow, but they do look great.
And I love the way Scottish Highlanders look.
A few cows of my own was a childhood dream. I wanted to become a farmer. Never happened. And now I am happy just to see cows outside in the fields.
Weird thing is that I love cows, but they also appeared in some of my childhood nightmares.
Just like I love water, always did, but water is also my biggest childhood anxiety.