Lit is a sturdy masculine hallstatt, not a pathetic, feminine, bitter satanistic bully victim with perverse, violent sexual fantasies and paedophile tendencies who wants to pwn boys who provoces him by being too smartass.
This is the type of guy, but more intelligent than the one on the picture, I see in my fantasies. A janitor type who failed and can only feel good by debating with 13-year olds and using his academic knowledge to bring them down. He would tie me up and almost torture me, slap me etc and feel so good about himself and his own inferiority complex by doing that to a previously undefiled kid. In me, he would see a reflection of himself, but pure. It would make him jealous and create an obsession with completely dominating me inside and out.

However, I don't risk becoming the sexual predator, I have no such feelings. I still feel like the kid and just relives my own fantasies. I'm an exhibitionist and massochist, not a paedophile myself. In my fantasies I'm victimised by young paedophiles, no older than 25, though.