We all are 

Didn't Soleiyu say s/he was going to ignore all of us if we told him we all were NT?
I would like to see him test the Ignore function and see how many people s/he can ignore all at once.

Cool that I'm actually forcing people to keep their neurological status a secret from me.
If you weren't a lazy cunt you could look it up for most of us.
Most of them are actually aspies, but they fool themselves that they'll be rewarded in some way if they adapt to NT morals.
Yeah, they want to be "the little aspie who could". They think they are somehow better if they adapt to some mainstream idea of evolution. They would all be cleansed if I became leader of a new nation of aspies.
NT wannabe behaviour would be completely illegal.
You won't become the leader because you are an agoraphobic candyass. And while you hang out dreaming of going to Japan and finding your kabuki boy I will be visiting Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong in the next 2 to 3 years.
I don't get a kick from traveling because unlike you I'm a correctly diagnosed aspie. You're an NT with retardation. The real world is crap, japanese video games offer much better alternatives for adventure. The best places are those that don't exist, those I can visit in my imagination. When I travel I usually pretend the places I visit are fantasy towns from games or books, I just don't have much love for the real world.
The exception would be certain places in Japan.
500 posts btw, or as Odeon would have said "Ding 500
