So how are you like Hitler?
1) Military service and decorations? No.
2) Position of authority in a significant political party? Not that you have indicated.
3) Charismatic public speaker? Probably not.
4) Ability to get others (not your parents) to do your bidding? Not likely.
What information am I missing that would make you seem to be Hitler like?
The last two fit me very well. You must also consider that Hitler lived in a different time. Pretty much every psychological and social/political expert who has analyzed him have reached the conclusion that if he had lived in any other time he wouldn't have achieved what he did. It was circumstances and the state of the Germany at the time which made for his success.
So all you need to be dictator of Sweden is to have it fall into your lap? Okay that does seem likely to happen anyday now. Boy is odeon going to regret being on your shit list. 
I can't become dictator of Sweden in this day and age through my Hitler abilities alone.
Plenty of other aspies have managed to become modern day dictators. Try Dear Kim as an obvious example.
Kim Jong Il is an aspie yes, but plenty? No.
And these people are in the developing countries or nations without any democratic tradition anyway.
Fine, try Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson in the UK. Obvious cases really if you look into their backgrounds.
In democratic countries there are also aspies in less public roles, think about operators like Karl Rove. Whilst the aspie is not in direct view, they wield a lot of power.
Hitler was an aspie with severe Cluster B personality disorders. Gordon Brown, if he even is an aspie, is a mule-like average aspie.
Nixon is the only one who I ever thought was very aspielike other than that.
Nixon yes. Brown is deffo an Aspie, the problem is whilst he is well intensioned, he is hopeless at getting anything done. Its the people who surround him are the problem, not Brown himself.
As for Hitlers personality disorders, I think they were made up to discredit him. Apart from his amphetamine use, Hitler was pretty rational and level headed on a strategic level.