Author Topic: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face  (Read 10044 times)

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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2009, 05:27:23 PM »
Your full of shit.  I've felt socially disabled.  I'm sure a lot of us have.  But there's no point just giving in.  You'll never be truely happy ending up like Mr/Mrs Haversoylam

I'm happy as long as I have a nice place to live with nice furniture, can eat good food and dress in nice clothes. Then all I need is games, movies and books.

I feel no need to be a part of society or prove anything. Becoming "like the others" is not happiness to me. You're just young and confused, still obsessed with the idea of adapting and "getting an NT life".

I have embraced alternative views on life, I'm not onedimensional anymore. I'm not really interested in people who don't have alternative lifestyles.
And when the state money dries out, what then?

It won't dry out. I have pretty nice savings anyway. In the worst case scenario my parents will help me. I have other rich relatives as well who helped others when they were in need.

Anyway, I won't lose the pension.

I'm better off than someone with a normal crap lower middle class job who ends up unemployed. Most working people who don't have secure jobs and have to switch/are fired from time to time have it much worse than me. I have no debts and money on the bank. Atm I'm buying furniture.
Well if you have lots of rich relatives, why can't you get a decent education and a decent job at the end of it. It must be boring doing nothing all your life, I know towards the end of a long summer I begin to feel pretty bored.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #61 on: September 22, 2009, 05:28:11 PM »
Your full of shit.  I've felt socially disabled.  I'm sure a lot of us have.  But there's no point just giving in.  You'll never be truely happy ending up like Mr/Mrs Haversoylam

I'm happy as long as I have a nice place to live with nice furniture, can eat good food and dress in nice clothes. Then all I need is games, movies and books.

I feel no need to be a part of society or prove anything. Becoming "like the others" is not happiness to me. You're just young and confused, still obsessed with the idea of adapting and "getting an NT life".

I have embraced alternative views on life, I'm not onedimensional anymore. I'm not really interested in people who don't have alternative lifestyles.
And when the state money dries out, what then?

Here, Centrelink (Social Security) is a federal dept. And while there are taxpayers, there will always be pensions. The difference between Centrelink pensions and superannuated pensions is that govt concesions apply to Centrelink. And the stock market rules over the amount super funds will pay for pensions. If we have another crash, super funds could go broke. Unlikely with govt pensions.

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #62 on: September 22, 2009, 05:30:59 PM »
Lol, your just deluded.  Who says I don't want an alternate lifestyle.  You'll just die on the inside soon enough anyway.

I was reborn on the inside the day I chose to withdraw from society. I was about to die during my social years between 16-20. You just can't imagine others having different needs from you. You're a pathetic NT wannabe.

You talk so much shit, cause you're locked away from real life.  You should really stop making so many opinions about people, when you know fuck all.  You are just a sad pathetic recluse  :hahaha:  And a moron, TCO has hit the nail on the head.  I don't see a huge difference between "NT's" and aspies, as we are all human beings.  You just gave up trying to find a place in society, cause your a cowardly loser  :hahaha:        The aspies what start threads saying they want all NT's to die, and they are evil, just need some medical help thats all.  I hate a lot, actually most of the stuff about modern society, and i'm just gonna keep fighting to change anything I can that I feel is wrong.  And help people and things that need help and support.  Where as you will just rot in your dark room playing some pointless computer game.  :violin:
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2009, 05:34:15 PM »
Lol, your just deluded.  Who says I don't want an alternate lifestyle.  You'll just die on the inside soon enough anyway.

I was reborn on the inside the day I chose to withdraw from society. I was about to die during my social years between 16-20. You just can't imagine others having different needs from you. You're a pathetic NT wannabe.

You talk so much shit, cause you're locked away from real life.  You should really stop making so many opinions about people, when you know fuck all.  You are just a sad pathetic recluse  :hahaha:  And a moron, TCO has hit the nail on the head.  I don't see a huge difference between "NT's" and aspies, as we are all human beings.  You just gave up trying to find a place in society, cause your a cowardly loser  :hahaha:        The aspies what start threads saying they want all NT's to die, and they are evil, just need some medical help thats all.  I hate a lot, actually most of the stuff about modern society, and i'm just gonna keep fighting to change anything I can that I feel is wrong.  And help people and things that need help and support.  Where as you will just rot in your dark room playing some pointless computer game.  :violin:

You're just a misdiagnosed retard. You have some aggressive ADHD shit, but you're not an aspie. Britain got hit with the "aspie frenzy" 10 years after Sweden. It's a period when the doctors go crazy with diagnosing people and AS is the new fashion diagnosis in the media, schools, society in general etc.

Any true aspie will fully understand why I live the way I do. I don't have to take shit from some misdiagnosed ADHD bastard who probably got his "brain damage" from sniffing too much glue.

I think you're just using me for projection atm. You want to be the "successful aspie" who managed to "become NT and get a life" but you're a fake. A liar.

A person with a fully healthy, functional and successful social life, work, school, friends etc wouldn't have any need for this forum. Maybe WrongPlanet or some educative official aspie organisation forum, but this... no.

Personally I don't want a life. I want to be a loser by society's standards. I'm alternative and living an alternative life. I don't want a career, I don't need one. I don't want friends. I was the best latin dancer in my age group for years and had loads of friends and a social life and I gave it up because it made me UNHAPPY. You are so incredibly stupid and ignorant. Stop projecting your brain damage and failures on me. I'm happy with my life. I have had a social life and I hated it.

I don't enjoy going to parties, and I've been to many over the years. I don't enjoy chit chatting with people and being "normal". I don't enjoy being "part of the group" among normal, NT people. I don't enjoy a normal life. I don't even enjoy normal sex, my sexual needs are completely based on fetischism. A meaningless computer game gives my life more meaning than interaction with human beings. It makes me happy, I won't become unhappy because some idiots think I don't have a REAL life.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 05:44:21 PM by Soleiyu »
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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #64 on: September 22, 2009, 05:35:48 PM »
Your full of shit.  I've felt socially disabled.  I'm sure a lot of us have.  But there's no point just giving in.  You'll never be truely happy ending up like Mr/Mrs Haversoylam

I'm happy as long as I have a nice place to live with nice furniture, can eat good food and dress in nice clothes. Then all I need is games, movies and books.

I feel no need to be a part of society or prove anything. Becoming "like the others" is not happiness to me. You're just young and confused, still obsessed with the idea of adapting and "getting an NT life".

I have embraced alternative views on life, I'm not onedimensional anymore. I'm not really interested in people who don't have alternative lifestyles.
And when the state money dries out, what then?

Here, Centrelink (Social Security) is a federal dept. And while there are taxpayers, there will always be pensions. The difference between Centrelink pensions and superannuated pensions is that govt concesions apply to Centrelink. And the stock market rules over the amount super funds will pay for pensions. If we have another crash, super funds could go broke. Unlikely with govt pensions.
True there will always be pensions, but they can always change the deal. I think the Swedish system will turn out to be unsustainable in the long run, they seem to be paying out a lot more than most countries would.

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #65 on: September 22, 2009, 05:42:56 PM »
Lol.  No, I do undertand, cause I was out of work for a long time, I was practically in your situation.  But without the sugar coating.  You're talking to an aspie who's had to grow up like an "NT".  I had to dig myself out of a complete whole, with some support of course.  You're just an aspie who gets the lifestyle they want, money is no issue, cause its handed to you on a plate.  Cause you are too cowardly to go and earn it yourself, and you have it easy.  I wouldn't begrudge you it at all, if you were a humble and decent person.  But you are not.  You're a self proclaimed know it all, who really has no idea about real life.  And you are gradually becoming more and more like a Howard Hughes kind of chracter as you spend your days alone.  How can anyone take your views on life seriously, when you're in your own little retarded bubble.  A pathetic waste of space, thats all you are :hahaha:
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #66 on: September 22, 2009, 05:53:16 PM »
Lol.  No, I do undertand, cause I was out of work for a long time, I was practically in your situation.  But without the sugar coating.  You're talking to an aspie who's had to grow up like an "NT".  I had to dig myself out of a complete whole, with some support of course.  You're just an aspie who gets the lifestyle they want, money is no issue, cause its handed to you on a plate.  Cause you are too cowardly to go and earn it yourself, and you have it easy.  I wouldn't begrudge you it at all, if you were a humble and decent person.  But you are not.  You're a self proclaimed know it all, who really has no idea about real life.  And you are gradually becoming more and more like a Howard Hughes kind of chracter as you spend your days alone.  How can anyone take your views on life seriously, when you're in your own little retarded bubble.  A pathetic waste of space, thats all you are :hahaha:

You don't seem to get it, I don't care if others take me seriously. You're working class scum and I couldn't care less for your kind. That you got a job and worked your way from "nothing" doesn't make you some sort of ambassador for Asperger's syndrome. You're a retarded english fuckface who can't even speak his own native language properly.

I am happy inside my bubble. I am crazy because I tried for years being "normal" and having normal hobbies and relations and it doesn't work. I'm excentric, I'm crazy. I can't tone myself down enough and act rational over longer periods of time.

You think I'm in "your situation" and that I WANT to get out of it. I'm not in your situation, you said it yourself because I can buy the things I want. You're working class trash with a typical british single mother child family situation and you're so proud of yourself that you got a low qualified job as paper boy that you believe anyone who choses to be outside of society must be living in a dark hole.

I'm not a hook nosed chav and I don't live in some smoggy british suburb with a single mother. I take walks in the nature, watching the autumn colours. I feel life, I feel God speaking to me. I am healed through being a hermit. I don't see that as bad in any way.
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #67 on: September 22, 2009, 05:54:11 PM »
Lol, your just deluded.  Who says I don't want an alternate lifestyle.  You'll just die on the inside soon enough anyway.

I was reborn on the inside the day I chose to withdraw from society. I was about to die during my social years between 16-20. You just can't imagine others having different needs from you. You're a pathetic NT wannabe.

You talk so much shit, cause you're locked away from real life.  You should really stop making so many opinions about people, when you know fuck all.  You are just a sad pathetic recluse  :hahaha:  And a moron, TCO has hit the nail on the head.  I don't see a huge difference between "NT's" and aspies, as we are all human beings.  You just gave up trying to find a place in society, cause your a cowardly loser  :hahaha:        The aspies what start threads saying they want all NT's to die, and they are evil, just need some medical help thats all.  I hate a lot, actually most of the stuff about modern society, and i'm just gonna keep fighting to change anything I can that I feel is wrong.  And help people and things that need help and support.  Where as you will just rot in your dark room playing some pointless computer game.  :violin:

You're just a misdiagnosed retard. You have some aggressive ADHD shit, but you're not an aspie. Britain got hit with the "aspie frenzy" 10 years after Sweden. It's a period when the doctors go crazy with diagnosing people and AS is the new fashion diagnosis in the media, schools, society in general etc.

Any true aspie will fully understand why I live the way I do. I don't have to take shit from some misdiagnosed ADHD bastard who probably got his "brain damage" from sniffing too much glue.

I think you're just using me for projection atm. You want to be the "successful aspie" who managed to "become NT and get a life" but you're a fake. A liar.

A person with a fully healthy, functional and successful social life, work, school, friends etc wouldn't have any need for this forum. Maybe WrongPlanet or some educative official aspie organisation forum, but this... no.

Personally I don't want a life. I want to be a loser by society's standards. I'm alternative and living an alternative life. I don't want a career, I don't need one. I don't want friends. I was the best latin dancer in my age group for years and had loads of friends and a social life and I gave it up because it made me UNHAPPY. You are so incredibly stupid and ignorant. Stop projecting your brain damage and failures on me. I'm happy with my life. I have had a social life and I hated it.

I don't enjoy going to parties, and I've been to many over the years. I don't enjoy chit chatting with people and being "normal". I don't enjoy being "part of the group" among normal, NT people. I don't enjoy a normal life. I don't even enjoy normal sex, my sexual needs are completely based on fetischism. A meaningless computer game gives my life more meaning than interaction with human beings. It makes me happy, I won't become unhappy because some idiots think I don't have a REAL life.


projecting..... the only thing projecting around here is the vomit coming out of your mouth. :halitosis:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #68 on: September 22, 2009, 06:05:27 PM »
LOL.  How am I supposed to be insulted, when you are just assuming, and about 95% of the stuff you are saying is bullshit?  And I don't like chavs and the kind of scum you are mentioning, stop sterotyping dickhead.  Its very funny though.  If I had some job that was meaningless, i'd still be unhappy, but I enjoy my job, and I get a lot out of it.  And its nice to know i'm appreciated.  Ok, I think you could actually be mentally derranged the way you talk.  If there was a god, you'd be going to hell, did he mention that?  And no, you personally are living in a dark whole, and using pathetic excuses for it, cause you're just weak mentally and physically.  Yeah, and i'm an outside person, I play golf on my own sometimes and enjoy it.  I actually just pitty you after reading this:

"I don't get a kick from traveling because unlike you I'm a correctly diagnosed aspie. You're an NT with retardation. The real world is crap, japanese video games offer much better alternatives for adventure. The best places are those that don't exist, those I can visit in my imagination. When I travel I usually pretend the places I visit are fantasy towns from games or books, I just don't have much love for the real world."

 :'(  makes me sad for you.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #69 on: September 22, 2009, 06:21:12 PM »
LOL.  How am I supposed to be insulted, when you are just assuming, and about 95% of the stuff you are saying is bullshit?  And I don't like chavs and the kind of scum you are mentioning, stop sterotyping dickhead.  Its very funny though.  If I had some job that was meaningless, i'd still be unhappy, but I enjoy my job, and I get a lot out of it.  And its nice to know i'm appreciated.  Ok, I think you could actually be mentally derranged the way you talk.  If there was a god, you'd be going to hell, did he mention that?  And no, you personally are living in a dark whole, and using pathetic excuses for it, cause you're just weak mentally and physically.  Yeah, and i'm an outside person, I play golf on my own sometimes and enjoy it.  I actually just pitty you after reading this:

"I don't get a kick from traveling because unlike you I'm a correctly diagnosed aspie. You're an NT with retardation. The real world is crap, japanese video games offer much better alternatives for adventure. The best places are those that don't exist, those I can visit in my imagination. When I travel I usually pretend the places I visit are fantasy towns from games or books, I just don't have much love for the real world."

 :'(  makes me sad for you.

You're sad for me because I don't enjoy NT living?

Btw, admit it your parents are divorced and you're closer to your mother.

I spend a lot of time meditating and enjoying the nature. I live clean. What is missing in my life according to you? A JOB? Haha. Seriously, you will never understand.

Even if I would find something I would enjoy doing as much as playing video games and being on my own, I would never turn into a self righteous asshole preaching NT garbage like the "only true lifestyle" the way you do. I will always stand up for those who chose to live outside, people like me and Lit. I will never think I'm better because I have a hobby I can earn money from and get accepted by NT's from doing.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 06:24:32 PM by Soleiyu »
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2009, 06:34:56 PM »
No, he's sad for you cos you are doing too good a job of making a fool of yourself, and he wanted to do it for you.  :hahaha:

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2009, 06:37:07 PM »
No, he's sad for you cos you are doing too good a job of making a fool of yourself, and he wanted to do it for you.  :hahaha:

That comment he quoted, that I prefer games and books to real travel, made him sad for me. So, I make a fool out of myself for prefering typical aspie/introvert things instead of backpacking like a filthy pig?
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2009, 06:44:48 PM »
No, he's sad for you cos you are doing too good a job of making a fool of yourself, and he wanted to do it for you.  :hahaha:

That comment he quoted, that I prefer games and books to real travel, made him sad for me. So, I make a fool out of myself for prefering typical aspie/introvert things instead of backpacking like a filthy pig?

No, you make a fool out of yourself because you speak shit. Whether you play with yourself or look like a pig is beside the point.

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2009, 06:49:33 PM »
No, he's sad for you cos you are doing too good a job of making a fool of yourself, and he wanted to do it for you.  :hahaha:

That comment he quoted, that I prefer games and books to real travel, made him sad for me. So, I make a fool out of myself for prefering typical aspie/introvert things instead of backpacking like a filthy pig?

No, you make a fool out of yourself because you speak shit. Whether you play with yourself or look like a pig is beside the point.

That wasn't what he quoted. But since you're self diagnosed I guess you have the brain of an NT and thus interpret things differently from an aspie.
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2009, 06:51:40 PM »
No, he's sad for you cos you are doing too good a job of making a fool of yourself, and he wanted to do it for you.  :hahaha:

That comment he quoted, that I prefer games and books to real travel, made him sad for me. So, I make a fool out of myself for prefering typical aspie/introvert things instead of backpacking like a filthy pig?
Where did I mention Backpacking? When I was in New Zealand in May I stayed at the Quadrant Hotel in Auckland except for one night that I was in Taupo overnight. And Backpackers are all filthy pigs because they don't share your obsession with correcting your genetically defective traits? Fucking weeaboo trash.