Lol, your just deluded. Who says I don't want an alternate lifestyle. You'll just die on the inside soon enough anyway.
I was reborn on the inside the day I chose to withdraw from society. I was about to die during my social years between 16-20. You just can't imagine others having different needs from you. You're a pathetic NT wannabe.
You talk so much shit, cause you're locked away from real life. You should really stop making so many opinions about people, when you know fuck all. You are just a sad pathetic recluse
And a moron, TCO has hit the nail on the head. I don't see a huge difference between "NT's" and aspies, as we are all human beings. You just gave up trying to find a place in society, cause your a cowardly loser
The aspies what start threads saying they want all NT's to die, and they are evil, just need some medical help thats all. I hate a lot, actually most of the stuff about modern society, and i'm just gonna keep fighting to change anything I can that I feel is wrong. And help people and things that need help and support. Where as you will just rot in your dark room playing some pointless computer game. 
You're just a misdiagnosed retard. You have some aggressive ADHD shit, but you're not an aspie. Britain got hit with the "aspie frenzy" 10 years after Sweden. It's a period when the doctors go crazy with diagnosing people and AS is the new fashion diagnosis in the media, schools, society in general etc.
Any true aspie will fully understand why I live the way I do. I don't have to take shit from some misdiagnosed ADHD bastard who probably got his "brain damage" from sniffing too much glue.
I think you're just using me for projection atm. You want to be the "successful aspie" who managed to "become NT and get a life" but you're a fake. A liar.
A person with a fully healthy, functional and successful social life, work, school, friends etc wouldn't have any need for this forum. Maybe WrongPlanet or some educative official aspie organisation forum, but this... no.
Personally I don't want a life. I want to be a loser by society's standards. I'm alternative and living an alternative life. I don't want a career, I don't need one. I don't want friends. I was the best latin dancer in my age group for years and had loads of friends and a social life and I gave it up because it made me UNHAPPY. You are so incredibly stupid and ignorant. Stop projecting your brain damage and failures on me. I'm happy with my life. I have had a social life and I hated it.
I don't enjoy going to parties, and I've been to many over the years. I don't enjoy chit chatting with people and being "normal". I don't enjoy being "part of the group" among normal, NT people. I don't enjoy a normal life. I don't even enjoy normal sex, my sexual needs are completely based on fetischism. A meaningless computer game gives my life more meaning than interaction with human beings. It makes me happy, I won't become unhappy because some idiots think I don't have a REAL life.