Author Topic: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face  (Read 9942 times)

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Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #225 on: September 25, 2009, 04:45:02 AM »
Reincarnation doesn't have to be based on karma the buddhist way. There are many types, I believe.

Besides, what's there to say Hitler would have "terrible karma" anyway?
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #226 on: September 25, 2009, 07:04:51 AM »
Reincarnation doesn't have to be based on karma the buddhist way. There are many types, I believe.

Besides, what's there to say Hitler would have "terrible karma" anyway?

Hitler wasn't pagan, weeaboo. Pagan's believe in reincarnation as do Buddhists and other Eastern religions. Maybe the only reason you wanna be a Jap is becuase you think that will get you one step closer to Nirvana. Try listening to Kurt Cobain, that's the closest you'll ever get.

News for you, ass-pie, I'm the only true Pagan here, and I'd have more chance of getting reincarnated than you ever would. Hitler blew his chance at anything good when he fucked over his own people. Major bad karma there. As I said, if you are the reincarnation of Hitler, then the Law of Threefold Return seriously fucked you up. And Hitler as well, given what an arsehole he would have turned out to be.

 :pwned: yet again.

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #227 on: September 25, 2009, 07:51:39 AM »
Reincarnation doesn't have to be based on karma the buddhist way. There are many types, I believe.

Besides, what's there to say Hitler would have "terrible karma" anyway?

Hitler wasn't pagan, weeaboo. Pagan's believe in reincarnation as do Buddhists and other Eastern religions. Maybe the only reason you wanna be a Jap is becuase you think that will get you one step closer to Nirvana. Try listening to Kurt Cobain, that's the closest you'll ever get.

News for you, ass-pie, I'm the only true Pagan here, and I'd have more chance of getting reincarnated than you ever would. Hitler blew his chance at anything good when he fucked over his own people. Major bad karma there. As I said, if you are the reincarnation of Hitler, then the Law of Threefold Return seriously fucked you up. And Hitler as well, given what an arsehole he would have turned out to be.

 :pwned: yet again.

An american can't be a true pagan, sorry.
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #228 on: September 25, 2009, 07:57:19 AM »
Pagans are a pain in the are like anyone else.

Wiccans I find to be worse though. Pretentious delusional morons.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #229 on: September 25, 2009, 11:17:35 AM »
Reincarnation doesn't have to be based on karma the buddhist way. There are many types, I believe.

Besides, what's there to say Hitler would have "terrible karma" anyway?

Hitler wasn't pagan, weeaboo. Pagan's believe in reincarnation as do Buddhists and other Eastern religions. Maybe the only reason you wanna be a Jap is becuase you think that will get you one step closer to Nirvana. Try listening to Kurt Cobain, that's the closest you'll ever get.

News for you, ass-pie, I'm the only true Pagan here, and I'd have more chance of getting reincarnated than you ever would. Hitler blew his chance at anything good when he fucked over his own people. Major bad karma there. As I said, if you are the reincarnation of Hitler, then the Law of Threefold Return seriously fucked you up. And Hitler as well, given what an arsehole he would have turned out to be.

 :pwned: yet again.

An american can't be a true pagan, sorry.

Dumb as well as illiterate.

How many times were you told I'm an Aussie? And yes, we Aussies can be pagan the same as anyone else.

When are you booked in for your next bukkake?

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #230 on: September 25, 2009, 11:26:58 AM »
Reincarnation doesn't have to be based on karma the buddhist way. There are many types, I believe.

Besides, what's there to say Hitler would have "terrible karma" anyway?

Hitler wasn't pagan, weeaboo. Pagan's believe in reincarnation as do Buddhists and other Eastern religions. Maybe the only reason you wanna be a Jap is becuase you think that will get you one step closer to Nirvana. Try listening to Kurt Cobain, that's the closest you'll ever get.

News for you, ass-pie, I'm the only true Pagan here, and I'd have more chance of getting reincarnated than you ever would. Hitler blew his chance at anything good when he fucked over his own people. Major bad karma there. As I said, if you are the reincarnation of Hitler, then the Law of Threefold Return seriously fucked you up. And Hitler as well, given what an arsehole he would have turned out to be.

 :pwned: yet again.

An american can't be a true pagan, sorry.

Dumb as well as illiterate.

How many times were you told I'm an Aussie? And yes, we Aussies can be pagan the same as anyone else.

When are you booked in for your next bukkake?

No, paganism is an imported and unnatural element in aussie culture, therefore you can only be pagan wannabes.
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Offline jman

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #231 on: September 25, 2009, 11:34:49 AM »
No, paganism is an imported and unnatural element in aussie culture, therefore you can only be pagan wannabes.

Bigotry is an unnatural element of Swedish culture, and yet you're still a stupid ass bigot  :lol:


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #232 on: September 25, 2009, 11:43:30 AM »
No, paganism is an imported and unnatural element in aussie culture, therefore you can only be pagan wannabes.

Bigotry is an unnatural element of Swedish culture, and yet you're still a stupid ass bigot  :lol:

Agreed, jewman.

BTW, Sillyarse - Christianity is the imported religion in all society, and being a theif religion it pinched everything from paganism to Judaism to anything else. Aboriginals in Australia are closer to pagan in origin than Christian, so your presumption is false and yet another strawman concept.

Now I am of European descent, but mainly Welsh origin. So that makes me more pagan yet again. Another lie to your presumption, dickhead.

So how about you actually do some PROPER research before spouting off some more drivel? That way, you won't make yourself out to be a bigger ASS than you already look.

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #233 on: September 25, 2009, 11:55:25 AM »
No, paganism is an imported and unnatural element in aussie culture, therefore you can only be pagan wannabes.

Bigotry is an unnatural element of Swedish culture, and yet you're still a stupid ass bigot  :lol:

Agreed, jewman.

BTW, Sillyarse - Christianity is the imported religion in all society, and being a theif religion it pinched everything from paganism to Judaism to anything else. Aboriginals in Australia are closer to pagan in origin than Christian, so your presumption is false and yet another strawman concept.

Now I am of European descent, but mainly Welsh origin. So that makes me more pagan yet again. Another lie to your presumption, dickhead.

So how about you actually do some PROPER research before spouting off some more drivel? That way, you won't make yourself out to be a bigger ASS than you already look.

Australian pagans is still laughable. Australians aren't real europeans no matter where their ancestors came from. Australians are ozon-ginger pigs.
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #234 on: September 25, 2009, 12:04:07 PM »
No, paganism is an imported and unnatural element in aussie culture, therefore you can only be pagan wannabes.

Bigotry is an unnatural element of Swedish culture, and yet you're still a stupid ass bigot  :lol:

Agreed, jewman.

BTW, Sillyarse - Christianity is the imported religion in all society, and being a theif religion it pinched everything from paganism to Judaism to anything else. Aboriginals in Australia are closer to pagan in origin than Christian, so your presumption is false and yet another strawman concept.

Now I am of European descent, but mainly Welsh origin. So that makes me more pagan yet again. Another lie to your presumption, dickhead.

So how about you actually do some PROPER research before spouting off some more drivel? That way, you won't make yourself out to be a bigger ASS than you already look.

Australian pagans is still laughable. Australians aren't real europeans no matter where their ancestors came from. Australians are ozon-ginger pigs.

Here's a little song for you:

And another one if you didn't get the point:

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #235 on: September 25, 2009, 12:59:21 PM »
I'm sorry, I don't listen to anglo pop classic crap with lyrics. I like more direct music, without lyrics. If it isn't ambient-trance or new age music it's video game music or something like this.

Beatles, Queen and all of that garbage tells me nothing.
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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #236 on: September 25, 2009, 01:08:58 PM »
I'm sorry, I don't listen to anglo pop classic crap with lyrics. I like more direct music, without lyrics. If it isn't ambient-trance or new age music it's video game music or something like this.

Beatles, Queen and all of that garbage tells me nothing.

In other words, you listen to mindless muzak that would be more suited to someone on Ecstacy at a rave party. Bullshit, in other words.

Either that, or the lyrics are way too incomprehensible for your small mind to grasp.

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #237 on: September 25, 2009, 01:13:19 PM »
I don't care about stupid, pretentious anglo lyrics and stupid pretentious anglo pop from the 70's.

Video game music ftw.

I don't need ecstacy or drugs, my healthy diet, a bowl of warm soup and a cup of hot red tea is enough to make my mind float away in a state resembling being "high". As long as I have my comfort zone, I am living in harmony with the cosmos. Might be hard for you to understand.

I also like this type of music:

My musical needs are primitive, not intellectual. Music for me is spiritual, lyrics are for pretentious dirge lipped englishmen. If I wanted lyrics I would read poetry.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2009, 01:18:50 PM by Soleiyu »
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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #238 on: September 25, 2009, 01:26:49 PM »
Sounds like shit
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #239 on: September 25, 2009, 01:37:06 PM »
I don't care about stupid, pretentious anglo lyrics and stupid pretentious anglo pop from the 70's.

Video game music ftw.

I don't need ecstacy or drugs, my healthy diet, a bowl of warm soup and a cup of hot red tea is enough to make my mind float away in a state resembling being "high". As long as I have my comfort zone, I am living in harmony with the cosmos. Might be hard for you to understand.

I also like this type of music:

My musical needs are primitive, not intellectual. Music for me is spiritual, lyrics are for pretentious dirge lipped englishmen. If I wanted lyrics I would read poetry.

You might like God is Astronaut and M83 8)