Author Topic: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face  (Read 9959 times)

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #210 on: September 24, 2009, 08:27:11 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.
He did more than anyone other single person to change the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich. He made goddamn sure that no person in the party was in a position to steal his power. He was a driven motherfucker to take over like that and to get the Military branches to swear personal oaths to him instead of their country. What more would it take for you to believe that he was a driven man? Don't these appear to be major accomplishments to you?

All those things just show he was leader of the party, so naturally, it was him that did it. Who else would they have made them swear an oath to? As a leader, he was not actually that strong though.
The People and the Fatherland, the change was not considered insignificant at the time although you don't seem to deem it important. Ask your history instructor if he/she deems it important. By not being strong do you mean that he did not wield absolute power in the 3rd Reich? I am not a history major but, as I recall, he left his own country and many other nations in ruins over the objections of his General Staff and many others in his own country. Go ahead and consider him weak if you want. I personally don't believe a weak leader could have fucked up as much real estate and destroyed as many lives in that manner as Hitler did. I don't like Joe Stalin either but I don't consider him weak.

Hitler wasn't weak in a conventional sense of the word, but he had periods of inertia. You can read that Goebbels and others had to kick his butt (as much as they dared) to make him get things done.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #211 on: September 24, 2009, 08:30:44 PM »
I wonder if cookie boi would consider Julius Caesar or Claudius to be aspie......

Or maybe even Noah.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #212 on: September 24, 2009, 08:31:25 PM »
Claudius might have been an aspie, yes. Barely Caesar.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #213 on: September 24, 2009, 08:33:53 PM »
Claudius might have been an aspie, yes. Barely Caesar.

Lit, stop encouraging him.

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #214 on: September 24, 2009, 08:34:01 PM »
Like I said before, most historians these days wouldn't agree with you PPK, so if I asked one of my tutors about it (and I have heard a couple of them speak on the subject), most of them would probably agree more with what I was saying

He clearly wasn't weak in a sense that he'd let people walk all over him. But he also wasn't the strong dictator you seem to think he was. As for Stalin, I think he was probably a much stronger dictator in that way. But I haven't read as much on Stalin.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #215 on: September 24, 2009, 08:36:58 PM »
Like I said before, most historians these days wouldn't agree with you PPK, so if I asked one of my tutors about it (and I have heard a couple of them speak on the subject), most of them would probably agree more with what I was saying

He clearly wasn't weak in a sense that he'd let people walk all over him. But he also wasn't the strong dictator you seem to think he was. As for Stalin, I think he was probably a much stronger dictator in that way. But I haven't read as much on Stalin.

He was BRAVER than Stalin. He followed the campaign in Poland at a pretty close range, standing up in his car as usual. The Polish resistance almost managed to blow him up. Stalin never was near the front.  8)

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #216 on: September 24, 2009, 08:39:02 PM »
Hitler wasn't brave during the Munich Putsch though  :zoinks:

Seriously though, I will hand it to him, he was brave.

but Stalin's purges went further than the Knight of Long Knives etc did. I reckon the people around Stalin were more fearful for their lives than those around Hitler


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #217 on: September 24, 2009, 08:48:02 PM »
Hitler wasn't brave during the Munich Putsch though  :zoinks:

Seriously though, I will hand it to him, he was brave.

but Stalin's purges went further than the Knight of Long Knives etc did. I reckon the people around Stalin were more fearful for their lives than those around Hitler

Bet your arse they were. Stalin was a nasty bastard indeed. People were shit scared of him up until his death in 1953. Some even afterward.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #218 on: September 24, 2009, 08:48:51 PM »
Stalin was a paranoid Georgian drunkard and butcher.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #219 on: September 24, 2009, 08:50:37 PM »
Stalin was a paranoid Georgian drunkard and butcher.

Which is exactly why so many were scared of him.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #220 on: September 24, 2009, 08:59:29 PM »
They adressed me with great respect and thought I was knowledgeable about everything. They seemed to put great trust in me and I felt that it was because I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and carry genetical similarities to him somewhere because of my austrian blood. His ghost still lives in Germany.

In Germany I am aristocracy. I fit the german stereotype of how aristocracy looks and acts.

Are you sure that really happened and not just in your fantasy world? Did you see a life bar meter in the corner of your vision at any time?  :orly:

If you could only begin to imagine. Sweden is a very mellow country. Sweden has no tradition of real aristocracy despite being a monarchy. I get special attention for my charisma even here but once I leave the country it's incredible how much attention I get. I can basically cut a line through a crowd in foreign countries and especially in Germany. There's something with me that germans find worthy of respect.

Swedes are ignorant, but people with a longer and richer history seem to think I'm a great person just by looking at me.

Why is it important if you are noticed in a crowd or get special attention? Sounds very NT to me.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #221 on: September 24, 2009, 09:04:36 PM »
They adressed me with great respect and thought I was knowledgeable about everything. They seemed to put great trust in me and I felt that it was because I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and carry genetical similarities to him somewhere because of my austrian blood. His ghost still lives in Germany.

In Germany I am aristocracy. I fit the german stereotype of how aristocracy looks and acts.

Are you sure that really happened and not just in your fantasy world? Did you see a life bar meter in the corner of your vision at any time?  :orly:

If you could only begin to imagine. Sweden is a very mellow country. Sweden has no tradition of real aristocracy despite being a monarchy. I get special attention for my charisma even here but once I leave the country it's incredible how much attention I get. I can basically cut a line through a crowd in foreign countries and especially in Germany. There's something with me that germans find worthy of respect.

Swedes are ignorant, but people with a longer and richer history seem to think I'm a great person just by looking at me.

Why is it important if you are noticed in a crowd or get special attention? Sounds very NT to me.

People notice dogshit on the footpath.....

Even those that step in it.

Most people try to avoid it, but when you walk around with it stuck to your shoe, people notice the stink.

Your analogy of him was right, Phlexor.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #222 on: September 24, 2009, 09:05:58 PM »
The Führer decorates Obergruppenführer Eicke with the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. BRAVE!  :agreed:


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #223 on: September 24, 2009, 09:13:24 PM »
The Führer decorates Obergruppenführer Eicke with the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. BRAVE!  :agreed:

Meanwhile cookie boi decorates his wall with Pokemon pics and MJ shit.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #224 on: September 24, 2009, 10:16:41 PM »
The Führer decorates Obergruppenführer Eicke with the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. BRAVE!  :agreed:

Meanwhile cookie boi decorates his wall with Pokemon pics and MJ shit.
Yet another difference between weeabooboi and Hitler. Papa Eicke was a total badass.