
Author Topic: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face  (Read 9961 times)

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #195 on: September 24, 2009, 07:32:45 PM »

When I was in Germany older people and real stereotype servant germans actually treated me as if I was the ghost of Hitler

and then they either ran away from you screaming in terror or just spat on you?
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Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #196 on: September 24, 2009, 07:33:19 PM »
They adressed me with great respect and thought I was knowledgeable about everything. They seemed to put great trust in me and I felt that it was because I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and carry genetical similarities to him somewhere because of my austrian blood. His ghost still lives in Germany.

In Germany I am aristocracy. I fit the german stereotype of how aristocracy looks and acts.

Are you sure that really happened and not just in your fantasy world? Did you see a life bar meter in the corner of your vision at any time?  :orly:

If you could only begin to imagine. Sweden is a very mellow country. Sweden has no tradition of real aristocracy despite being a monarchy. I get special attention for my charisma even here but once I leave the country it's incredible how much attention I get. I can basically cut a line through a crowd in foreign countries and especially in Germany. There's something with me that germans find worthy of respect.

Swedes are ignorant, but people with a longer and richer history seem to think I'm a great person just by looking at me.
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Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #197 on: September 24, 2009, 07:34:28 PM »
They adressed me with great respect and thought I was knowledgeable about everything. They seemed to put great trust in me and I felt that it was because I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and carry genetical similarities to him somewhere because of my austrian blood. His ghost still lives in Germany.

In Germany I am aristocracy. I fit the german stereotype of how aristocracy looks and acts.

Are you sure that really happened and not just in your fantasy world? Did you see a life bar meter in the corner of your vision at any time?  :orly:

If you could only begin to imagine. Sweden is a very mellow country. Sweden has no tradition of real aristocracy despite being a monarchy. I get special attention for my charisma even here but once I leave the country it's incredible how much attention I get. I can basically cut a line through a crowd in foreign countries and especially in Germany. There's something with me that germans find worthy of respect.

Your farts are that bad?


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #198 on: September 24, 2009, 07:36:33 PM »
Maybe he's the diet coke of hitler. Just one calorie, not enough!
Yes because Hitler was a tough driven individual who focused on taking over and kicking ass instead of repairing congenital defects via surgery.

Read up on Hitler. He went into aspie passiveness several times during his life. He got where he got because his party comrades gave him a kick in the butt from time to time. He was passive for years. Especially in the late 1920's he didn't do a thing other than play with his dog and his niece on the bavarian countryside.
By age 25 Hitler was in the Army, that was 1914. By 1919 he was in the NSDAP and in charge a couple of years later. 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, 1924 jail time and wrote Mein Kampf. Between then and 1934 when he became Chancellor there was a lot of work going into getting the ban on the NSDAP removed and then the ban on him speaking publicly in Bavaria. His Party did not win the seats needed to put him in power in 1934 by him fucking off with cosmetic surgery and anime from 1925 to 1934.
So what is your plan to take over Sweden by age 45? How are you going to successfully campaign from your parents basement?
Of course he had ambition, yes. And yes all politicians are opportunistic to an extent, but the point is that he often didn't plan any of these things to turn out the way they did. He just exploited the situation or took advantage of it when it came up. He didn't always force it through himself like you were making out.
I pointed out some differences between Chinpokobois conduct and Hitlers. So he did not plan every thing that was too happen between January 1925 and his swearing in as Chancellor in 1934. I did not make the claim that he planned every little thing that happened. Just because he did not have the prescience to forsee every possible thing that came up does not take away the fact that major events like the Enabling Act and Night of The Long Knives were, in fact, planned and executed by him and his followers. Simply being made Chancellor did not make him Fuhrer, and without the Night of Long Knives he would not have had the absolute authority in the NSDAP. He was a conniving, ambitious  and brutal motherfucker and he was capable of executing bold maneuvers to get what he wanted.

And until chinpokoboi does something more politically ambitious and brutal than trolling this forum I still fail to see the resemblance that the weeaboo claims.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 07:39:47 PM by PPK »

Offline Soleiyu

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #199 on: September 24, 2009, 07:37:59 PM »
They adressed me with great respect and thought I was knowledgeable about everything. They seemed to put great trust in me and I felt that it was because I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and carry genetical similarities to him somewhere because of my austrian blood. His ghost still lives in Germany.

In Germany I am aristocracy. I fit the german stereotype of how aristocracy looks and acts.

Are you sure that really happened and not just in your fantasy world? Did you see a life bar meter in the corner of your vision at any time?  :orly:

If you could only begin to imagine. Sweden is a very mellow country. Sweden has no tradition of real aristocracy despite being a monarchy. I get special attention for my charisma even here but once I leave the country it's incredible how much attention I get. I can basically cut a line through a crowd in foreign countries and especially in Germany. There's something with me that germans find worthy of respect.

Your farts are that bad?

I'm aware of my narcissistic personality disorder but I'm not joking about this. People always notice me. I can enter a room and stand at the wall, if I speak everyone will go quiet because the slightly sublime guy who everyone took notice off just spoke. I think being both attractive, charismatic and intelligent as well as otherwordly aspie-like is what makes me so noticeable.

I somehow seem to have the ability to enhance my beauty as well and create illusions which makes people see me as extremely worthy of respect. Some people seem to think I can read their minds even.

I would be able to create a persona cult on Michael Jackson level if I achieved fame. I have that gift. I would probably create an even greater mystery and sensation than that. This is my gift. If I become famous you will know.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 07:41:36 PM by Soleiyu »
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Offline Adam

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #200 on: September 24, 2009, 07:39:15 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #201 on: September 24, 2009, 07:39:59 PM »
They adressed me with great respect and thought I was knowledgeable about everything. They seemed to put great trust in me and I felt that it was because I am the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and carry genetical similarities to him somewhere because of my austrian blood. His ghost still lives in Germany.

In Germany I am aristocracy. I fit the german stereotype of how aristocracy looks and acts.

Are you sure that really happened and not just in your fantasy world? Did you see a life bar meter in the corner of your vision at any time?  :orly:

If you could only begin to imagine. Sweden is a very shallow country. Sweden has no tradition of real aristocracy despite being a monarchy. I get special attention for my charisma even here but once I leave the country it's incredible how much attention I get. Virtually none at all. The say 'Who the fuck was that?'  I can basically cut a line through a crowd in foreign countries and especially in Germany. There's something with me that Swedes find worthy of irritation, sort of like tinea.

Your farts are that bad?

As I said, the smell lingers.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #202 on: September 24, 2009, 07:49:41 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.
He did more than anyone other single person to change the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich. He made goddamn sure that no person in the party was in a position to steal his power. He was a driven motherfucker to take over like that and to get the Military branches to swear personal oaths to him instead of their country. What more would it take for you to believe that he was a driven man? Don't these appear to be major accomplishments to you?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 07:51:16 PM by PPK »

Offline Adam

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #203 on: September 24, 2009, 07:52:50 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.
He did more than anyone other single person to change the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich. He made goddamn sure that no person in the party was in a position to steal his power. He was a driven motherfucker to take over like that and to get the Military branches to swear personal oaths to him instead of their country. What more would it take for you to believe that he was a driven man? Don't these appear to be major accomplishments to you?

All those things just show he was leader of the party, so naturally, it was him that did it. Who else would they have made them swear an oath to? As a leader, he was not actually that strong though.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #204 on: September 24, 2009, 08:04:24 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.
He did more than anyone other single person to change the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich. He made goddamn sure that no person in the party was in a position to steal his power. He was a driven motherfucker to take over like that and to get the Military branches to swear personal oaths to him instead of their country. What more would it take for you to believe that he was a driven man? Don't these appear to be major accomplishments to you?

And there lies the bullshit in cookie boi's analogy. All of what Hitler did meant that he actually got off his arse and made something of himself, no matter how vile in our eyes it was. Soiledarse keps saying how much he is Hitler's ghost, or the reincarnation of Hitler. If that were the case, he would have refused the government handouts he was given, and refused to accept his aspie diagnosis. One thing he forgets, is that Hitler's 'final solution' not only involved the gypsies, Jews and anyone who didn't conform to his Ariyan ideal, he wanted to kill off all the disabled as well. Which would include all aspies, auties and anyone else with a mental disorder. His views on NTs might be similar to Hitler's on disabilities, but thats the paradox. By sucking the governmet tit and accepting his diagnosis, weeaboo boi has become the opposite of his 'hero'. So put him in 1940s Germany, and see how much fucking respect the nazis would have given him then.

Oh, and to be reincarnated, you have to have the belief and the Karma that goes with it. If you are Hitler reincarnated, then you must have seriously fucked up.

Another major fail for the tazo in the corner.

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #205 on: September 24, 2009, 08:05:58 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.
He did more than anyone other single person to change the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich. He made goddamn sure that no person in the party was in a position to steal his power. He was a driven motherfucker to take over like that and to get the Military branches to swear personal oaths to him instead of their country. What more would it take for you to believe that he was a driven man? Don't these appear to be major accomplishments to you?

And there lies the bullshit in cookie boi's analogy. All of what Hitler did meant that he actually got off his arse and made something of himself, no matter how vile in our eyes it was. Soiledarse keps saying how much he is Hitler's ghost, or the reincarnation of Hitler. If that were the case, he would have refused the government handouts he was given, and refused to accept his aspie diagnosis. One thing he forgets, is that Hitler's 'final solution' not only involved the gypsies, Jews and anyone who didn't conform to his Ariyan ideal, he wanted to kill off all the disabled as well. Which would include all aspies, auties and anyone else with a mental disorder. His views on NTs might be similar to Hitler's on disabilities, but thats the paradox. By sucking the governmet tit and accepting his diagnosis, weeaboo boi has become the opposite of his 'hero'. So put him in 1940s Germany, and see how much fucking respect the nazis would have given him then.

Oh, and to be reincarnated, you have to have the belief and the Karma that goes with it. If you are Hitler reincarnated, then you must have seriously fucked up.

Another major fail for the tazo in the corner.

Exactly, he'd have been ripped to shreds.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #206 on: September 24, 2009, 08:07:49 PM »
I agree with Soph and Soleiyu. My old shrink also thought that Hitler was an aspie.

Btw, people treat me in a certain way too, especially in foreign countries. Even in Sweden people actually say straight to my face sometimes (which is extremely rare here) that I look very intelligent.

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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #207 on: September 24, 2009, 08:10:52 PM »
Loads of aspies go on about how hitler would have killed off the lot of us. That's actually bollocks. Not all aspies are completely retarded - the nazis killed of "useless eaters." Now while a lot of us on here are definitely useless eaters, there wwould have been plenty of aspies in the 30s and 40s who weren't at risk at all. In fact, some of the intelligent ones probably had their part to play in the holocaust, unfortunately. If you look at the kinda people they had working for them.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #208 on: September 24, 2009, 08:22:42 PM »
Loads of aspies go on about how hitler would have killed off the lot of us. That's actually bollocks. Not all aspies are completely retarded - the nazis killed of "useless eaters." Now while a lot of us on here are definitely useless eaters, there wwould have been plenty of aspies in the 30s and 40s who weren't at risk at all. In fact, some of the intelligent ones probably had their part to play in the holocaust, unfortunately. If you look at the kinda people they had working for them.

Read the book "Treblinka". The young SS man Herbert Floss, who works out a method of burning bodies just by using wood and sorting the corpses in a special way is the role model of an aspie.


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Re: Spit at Odeon and laugh in his face
« Reply #209 on: September 24, 2009, 08:24:27 PM »
Obviously it would be impossible for anyone to pla every little thing they were going to do over two or three decades. But you were saying he was a very driven leader. I disagree. Sure, he had his views which never changed till the day he died. But he also just couldn't be arsed with most of what he had to do as party leader or fuhrer.
He did more than anyone other single person to change the Weimar Republic into the 3rd Reich. He made goddamn sure that no person in the party was in a position to steal his power. He was a driven motherfucker to take over like that and to get the Military branches to swear personal oaths to him instead of their country. What more would it take for you to believe that he was a driven man? Don't these appear to be major accomplishments to you?

All those things just show he was leader of the party, so naturally, it was him that did it. Who else would they have made them swear an oath to? As a leader, he was not actually that strong though.
The People and the Fatherland, the change was not considered insignificant at the time although you don't seem to deem it important. Ask your history instructor if he/she deems it important. By not being strong do you mean that he did not wield absolute power in the 3rd Reich? I am not a history major but, as I recall, he left his own country and many other nations in ruins over the objections of his General Staff and many others in his own country. Go ahead and consider him weak if you want. I personally don't believe a weak leader could have fucked up as much real estate and destroyed as many lives in that manner as Hitler did. I don't like Joe Stalin either but I don't consider him weak.