Since it's me, and you Lestat's your favourite clandestine chemist QV, lets not count the smiley or the '?' as a word and turn 'as in' to as-in' making it one over, and if he brings you breakfast in bed, whilst he is getting up early to do PR's breakfast-in-bed, makes you an extra platter of B-in-B, can your favourite naughty autie clan.chemist, biotech and all round naughty autie biohacker have an extra word? pretty please with hot breakfast in bed for you as well on top? All Lestat's just had last is he opened a can of rice pudding, the last of his cans of cold rice pudding stash from the fridge, he's just about to have his after-quick snack rollup,a few quick mouthfuls of white grapefruit juice and grab another carton, whilst cooking her viceroyalty's b-in-b and some for QV, Lestat'll make it even bigger for QV if the royal assent, keeping in mind the mitigating circumstances of him never actually being aware of the 5 word rule, if royal pardon is given for the extra, and ye assent royale be giveth unto Your Majesty's favourite non-genetically-related naughty autie. And considering he does like the heir to the royal throne so much and admire humbly, as he doth do, and with the respect you know that he has for both the current royal bottom upon the palace throne, and aforementioned throne's heir not merely apparent, but quite definitely wuvvly self

(btw swill waiting on that nice list:P, and I'll hold you to it, if a humble commoner may hold a royal to anything. Hell, he'd an outlaw anyway so what the hell, he's holding you to it:)
After all, what can anyone do, make your favoured most uncommon commoner

an outlaw?
C'mon, its almost xmas, one more word for the

who is all the same, despite being

anyway, unaware of the royal decree. BEING an

isn't all dressing up in green, poncing around the forest noshing on roast deer legs from round a camp fire. There aren't even any merry men close enough right now to share a poached deer and a pot of stew from a few *lestat needs a rabbit-poaching smiley temporarily, so turn your royal ass this way and look and see one:P* It isn't all lazing around getting drunk on ale filched from the sherrif of nottingham, to get to THAT point, where an

gets to lay back, kick his boots off and do some lazing, there has to be much work done, some of it difficult and a very large part of it dangerous.
So, its xmas (ish, nearly, sortof), call it an early xmas card (CARD, mind you:P) that some royal servant in messenger's livery can play runner and go leave in a dead drop whilst

-hood, hides in a (currently borrowed) den not a huge distance from some of the forests not THAT far from shottingham/snottingham/shittingham (take your royal pick, it hardly matters HOW you word that it's fucking shit there and a general dump for the noxious refuse most other nasty ass third-world-land-transplants to the 1st world wouldn't sully themselves with

Plus of course the evil

of shottingham.