It's pretty much just me, my dog and my mum.
I hung out with the 'weirdo' group at school from about the age of 14-17, and went to a handful of house parties held by members of that group, but I didn't integrate into the group particularly well and always felt like an outsider who's presence was tolerated. There was one guy in the group who I was fairly friendly with, and we ended up at the same university, so we went to various events at the student union together and he introduced me to people he knew, but he dropped out after his first year, got a job, a girlfriend, and didn't really have anything to do with me after that.
I also joined the Board of Management for the student union in my first year and spent a lot of time there interacting with people, doing volunteer work and trying to forge social connections. Although people liked me well enough, I never really formed friendships with anyone, and again felt like an outside who's presence was tolerated.
I didn't have much to do with people for a couple of years after that, but eventually I started talking to people online and was fairly successful at building up some online friendships, and met up with various people who lived locally, with considerably less success. For a few years I talked to people on a daily basis through IM's, and would make regular attempts to find local people to meet up with, but I've not had much interest in those things since about a year ago; I barely use IM's these days, I've not been meeting people IRL, and this website, my dog and my mum have been my only significant sources of social interaction for quite some time now.