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What is intensity? part #1

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i do some, and i know you do, and others, in a localised way.  but i don't feel the need to go on about it too much, only when there's something i think might give others ideas, or if a success might give a bit of hope.  other than that, it's daily grind stuff.

don't sell yourself and others short, Balders.

you sound miserable, anyway.  have one of these to cheer you up.  :boobs:

nice work, lucifer.  you know just how to reach me. ;D

the logic?  the soothing words?  the ego massage?  or the tits?   :angel:


--- Quote from: Lucifer on July 29, 2007, 09:56:32 AM ---the logic?  the soothing words?  the ego massage?  or the tits?   :angel:

--- End quote ---
all of them, but mainly the tits.

thank fuck for that - you had me worried for a moment.


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