
Author Topic: Why do jews fart in public?  (Read 7654 times)

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #75 on: November 23, 2013, 07:05:35 PM »
No. Caligula married his sister, though, or at least got a child with her, that he ate when it was still a fetus.

Do you blame him they are so tender at that age :flame:
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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #76 on: November 23, 2013, 07:12:44 PM »

This is a message board, not a ouija board  :zombiefuck:

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #77 on: November 23, 2013, 08:03:50 PM »
 :pwned: :bounce:
No. Caligula married his sister, though, or at least got a child with her, that he ate when it was still a fetus.
. Babies are juicy and tender.

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #78 on: November 23, 2013, 09:08:37 PM »
:pwned: :bounce:
No. Caligula married his sister, though, or at least got a child with her, that he ate when it was still a fetus.
. Babies are juicy and tender.

Their heads are soft, especially on top, where you can poke your finger into their head-skin, and practically touch their brain.

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #79 on: November 23, 2013, 11:21:16 PM »

This is a message board, not a ouija board  :zombiefuck:

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #80 on: November 24, 2013, 02:13:18 AM »
:pwned: :bounce:
No. Caligula married his sister, though, or at least got a child with her, that he ate when it was still a fetus.
. Babies are juicy and tender.

Their heads are soft, especially on top, where you can poke your finger into their head-skin, and practically touch their brain.

And stick in a straw and suck their brains out.

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #81 on: November 27, 2014, 07:01:30 AM »
When I first noticed this, I thought it was coincidence. However, up until now, every jew I've spent more than just a few minutes getting to know have eventually farted in public. Is it genetical or is it some cultural thing the Talmud teaches?

Have someone else noticed this. I'm 100% serious, this is not something I just made up. The jews I met all have farted around people several times. I'm not saying others don't do it too, but every jew I've met have done it so they seem a bit overrepresented.


I'm an atheist semite, my family was Jewish, of Ashkenazi (AKs) lineage, and I have the problem of excess flatulence.  It is very embarrassing and made my grade school experience a living hell due to being teased for it.  I think there are several reasons why Jews pass gas often.  According to a wikipedia article, the AKs had an evolutionary bottleneck and only about 400 families were left to interbreed.  Judaism predated the romans and it had a prohibition against infanticide, unlike the other civilizations, so children that should have been killed due to genetic conditions were allowed to live and reproduce.  For this reason we see a massive increase in the number of genetically related diseases in AKs, 1:1,000 vs 1:5,000 non AK.  The flatulence thing in my family is due to intolerance to fructose and lactose.  We never evolved the ability to digest these foods which are common ingredients in the modern diet.  Another factor could be that Jews tend to have stocky frames so they eat more and produce more gas.  Not all Jews are like this, many people in my family digest food perfectly well on my mother's side, however many do have it on my father's side.  My father has a BS in marketing but ended up working as a mechanic probably because he was too gassy to work in office (sad).  Other genetic problems I have are: allergies, asthma, partial folate metabolism slowing, male pattern baldness, mental problems (depression) and overweight.  For religious jews marrying other religious jews is very important so there is little chance to get rid of the bad genes.  In my family, marriage to less intelligent people has resulted in a lowering of intelligence and lack of success for many.  There really is no way to fix this problem except to select out kids by either doing genetic testing beforehand or killing them before they reproduce.  Jewish law actually allows a parent to take a disobedient child before a council to be put to death but this apparently didn't do enough to weed out the sickly kids.  I haven't had any kids, I don't want them to suffer.  Having Jewish genes sucks.  I think Hitler and the other countries were right to try to improve the genetic stock through eugenics.  We need to do this en masse.  Best wishes.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 07:15:04 AM by grincy »

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #82 on: November 27, 2014, 08:45:11 AM »

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #83 on: November 27, 2014, 12:04:28 PM »
When I first noticed this, I thought it was coincidence. However, up until now, every jew I've spent more than just a few minutes getting to know have eventually farted in public. Is it genetical or is it some cultural thing the Talmud teaches?

Have someone else noticed this. I'm 100% serious, this is not something I just made up. The jews I met all have farted around people several times. I'm not saying others don't do it too, but every jew I've met have done it so they seem a bit overrepresented.


I'm an atheist semite, my family was Jewish, of Ashkenazi (AKs) lineage, and I have the problem of excess flatulence.  It is very embarrassing and made my grade school experience a living hell due to being teased for it.  I think there are several reasons why Jews pass gas often.  According to a wikipedia article, the AKs had an evolutionary bottleneck and only about 400 families were left to interbreed.  Judaism predated the romans and it had a prohibition against infanticide, unlike the other civilizations, so children that should have been killed due to genetic conditions were allowed to live and reproduce.  For this reason we see a massive increase in the number of genetically related diseases in AKs, 1:1,000 vs 1:5,000 non AK.  The flatulence thing in my family is due to intolerance to fructose and lactose.  We never evolved the ability to digest these foods which are common ingredients in the modern diet.  Another factor could be that Jews tend to have stocky frames so they eat more and produce more gas.  Not all Jews are like this, many people in my family digest food perfectly well on my mother's side, however many do have it on my father's side.  My father has a BS in marketing but ended up working as a mechanic probably because he was too gassy to work in office (sad).  Other genetic problems I have are: allergies, asthma, partial folate metabolism slowing, male pattern baldness, mental problems (depression) and overweight.  For religious jews marrying other religious jews is very important so there is little chance to get rid of the bad genes.  In my family, marriage to less intelligent people has resulted in a lowering of intelligence and lack of success for many.  There really is no way to fix this problem except to select out kids by either doing genetic testing beforehand or killing them before they reproduce.  Jewish law actually allows a parent to take a disobedient child before a council to be put to death but this apparently didn't do enough to weed out the sickly kids.  I haven't had any kids, I don't want them to suffer.  Having Jewish genes sucks.  I think Hitler and the other countries were right to try to improve the genetic stock through eugenics.  We need to do this en masse.  Best wishes.

OMG!! It's been so long since we had a troll n00b!! :GA:

Welcome.  :zoinks:

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #84 on: November 27, 2014, 03:59:06 PM »
I'm wondering who this troll is. Benji, Zegh or Rage??   :apondering:

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #85 on: November 28, 2014, 01:49:42 AM »
An interesting choice for a first topic, I must say. Welcome, anyway.
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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #86 on: November 28, 2014, 08:49:05 AM »
When I first noticed this, I thought it was coincidence. However, up until now, every jew I've spent more than just a few minutes getting to know have eventually farted in public. Is it genetical or is it some cultural thing the Talmud teaches?

Have someone else noticed this. I'm 100% serious, this is not something I just made up. The jews I met all have farted around people several times. I'm not saying others don't do it too, but every jew I've met have done it so they seem a bit overrepresented.


I'm an atheist semite, my family was Jewish, of Ashkenazi (AKs) lineage, and I have the problem of excess flatulence.  It is very embarrassing and made my grade school experience a living hell due to being teased for it.  I think there are several reasons why Jews pass gas often.  According to a wikipedia article, the AKs had an evolutionary bottleneck and only about 400 families were left to interbreed.  Judaism predated the romans and it had a prohibition against infanticide, unlike the other civilizations, so children that should have been killed due to genetic conditions were allowed to live and reproduce.  For this reason we see a massive increase in the number of genetically related diseases in AKs, 1:1,000 vs 1:5,000 non AK.  The flatulence thing in my family is due to intolerance to fructose and lactose.  We never evolved the ability to digest these foods which are common ingredients in the modern diet.  Another factor could be that Jews tend to have stocky frames so they eat more and produce more gas.  Not all Jews are like this, many people in my family digest food perfectly well on my mother's side, however many do have it on my father's side.  My father has a BS in marketing but ended up working as a mechanic probably because he was too gassy to work in office (sad).  Other genetic problems I have are: allergies, asthma, partial folate metabolism slowing, male pattern baldness, mental problems (depression) and overweight.  For religious jews marrying other religious jews is very important so there is little chance to get rid of the bad genes.  In my family, marriage to less intelligent people has resulted in a lowering of intelligence and lack of success for many.  There really is no way to fix this problem except to select out kids by either doing genetic testing beforehand or killing them before they reproduce.  Jewish law actually allows a parent to take a disobedient child before a council to be put to death but this apparently didn't do enough to weed out the sickly kids.  I haven't had any kids, I don't want them to suffer.  Having Jewish genes sucks.  I think Hitler and the other countries were right to try to improve the genetic stock through eugenics.  We need to do this en masse.  Best wishes.

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I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #87 on: December 02, 2014, 08:58:00 AM »
I'm wondering who this troll is. Benji, Zegh or Rage??   :apondering:

I've never made a sockpuppet here, and I've never used the one that is free to use.
Your consistent lacking ability in creating "pattern maps" and recognizing people and their features is staggering. I thought I sucked at it, well, you win all the medals.

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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #88 on: December 02, 2014, 09:16:04 AM »
When I first noticed this, I thought it was coincidence. However, up until now, every jew I've spent more than just a few minutes getting to know have eventually farted in public. Is it genetical or is it some cultural thing the Talmud teaches?

Have someone else noticed this. I'm 100% serious, this is not something I just made up. The jews I met all have farted around people several times. I'm not saying others don't do it too, but every jew I've met have done it so they seem a bit overrepresented.


I'm an atheist semite, my family was Jewish, of Ashkenazi (AKs) lineage, and I have the problem of excess flatulence.  It is very embarrassing and made my grade school experience a living hell due to being teased for it.  I think there are several reasons why Jews pass gas often.  According to a wikipedia article, the AKs had an evolutionary bottleneck and only about 400 families were left to interbreed.  Judaism predated the romans and it had a prohibition against infanticide, unlike the other civilizations, so children that should have been killed due to genetic conditions were allowed to live and reproduce.  For this reason we see a massive increase in the number of genetically related diseases in AKs, 1:1,000 vs 1:5,000 non AK.  The flatulence thing in my family is due to intolerance to fructose and lactose.  We never evolved the ability to digest these foods which are common ingredients in the modern diet.  Another factor could be that Jews tend to have stocky frames so they eat more and produce more gas.  Not all Jews are like this, many people in my family digest food perfectly well on my mother's side, however many do have it on my father's side.  My father has a BS in marketing but ended up working as a mechanic probably because he was too gassy to work in office (sad).  Other genetic problems I have are: allergies, asthma, partial folate metabolism slowing, male pattern baldness, mental problems (depression) and overweight.  For religious jews marrying other religious jews is very important so there is little chance to get rid of the bad genes.  In my family, marriage to less intelligent people has resulted in a lowering of intelligence and lack of success for many.  There really is no way to fix this problem except to select out kids by either doing genetic testing beforehand or killing them before they reproduce.  Jewish law actually allows a parent to take a disobedient child before a council to be put to death but this apparently didn't do enough to weed out the sickly kids.  I haven't had any kids, I don't want them to suffer.  Having Jewish genes sucks.  I think Hitler and the other countries were right to try to improve the genetic stock through eugenics.  We need to do this en masse.  Best wishes.

OMG!! It's been so long since we had a troll n00b!! :GA:

Welcome.  :zoinks:

Troll noob, do you ever dig farts out of your ass when gassy? :zoinks:
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Re: Why do jews fart in public?
« Reply #89 on: December 03, 2014, 06:55:29 AM »
The same reason I fart in public at the gym after having salad for lunch...oops...rotting cabbage yoga  :probe: