Just keep your arms stiffly down at your sides, and bow instead. :lol:
As women, we used to be able to avoid all that social-handshaking nonsense. Being female, we were presumed not to be bearing weapons, and thus had no need to proffer a visibly-empty hand to anyone to demonstrate our good intentions. All that has changed. Myself I have little problem with shaking anyone's hand; what I dislike is when they lunge in for the kiss on the cheek. Eeew, get off!

In Poland there's a habit (especially amongst old horrible ladies) to kiss the cheek three times

As in left, right, left. Worst thing is that there is no way to

out of it or you're classed as rude. Also in school, in the first 2 weeks everyone went through a honeymoon period (this is still Poland, obviously

) and kissed each other's cheeks to say hi every morning. EVERYONE had to do it, even this horribly spot-covered girl. Eurgh thinking of it still makes me gag.
As for hand-shaking, we should just all wear gloves

I hate it when people have really sweaty hands.