Author Topic: Banned From WP For No Reason-- A Collection of Issues Brought Up By Members  (Read 19927 times)

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Offline Shareese/Ana54

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that's what a lot of the kids think at first, when they're all like "eww"

but generally it's not thought of like that

i think her family wanted it to be used as an opportuinty to raise awareness or whatever

and i reckon it probably does work - all the kids in the school would have been aware of it and what causes it

I would come back to HAUNT my family if they did that to me... had everyone remember me as someone who made a gross embarrassing mistake.


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I'm guessing she was probably young and didn't know any better.  I mean, when I first used a tampon it was uncomfortable as fuck cause I put it in wrong.  At least her death gives an example to other clueless girls on the proper use of a tampon.

Offline Natalia Evans

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Also, it's strange Lit and SG never attempted to hook up  :orly: 

I'm not into scat play or scat showers or scat eating. I find it gross TBH but I don't judge people for it.

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she's not remembered as someone who made a gross mistake, at least not by most people over the age of 12

she's remembered as a young girl who tragically died

and tbh i think it's good that they didn't just hide it and be ashamed of it. that would have been much worse imo. it may have saved another girl from doing the same thing

Offline Natalia Evans

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I didn't start using Tampons until I was 17 and I liked them better.

Offline 'andersom'

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You aren't supposed to have sex for a while after giving birth either.  My friend started having sex before she was supposed to when she had her daughter and she got an infection.

Wouldn't it hurt to have sex a few days/weeks after childbirth anyway?  :O_o:

I had 'the talk' from the midwife a day after giving birth, about contraceptives, and how it would be wise to use condoms if I really wanted to have sex very soon. Both because of hygiene, and because some women can conceive straight after giving birth.
Both times the midwife said she should officially have given me that talk sooner than a day after giving birth.

Took me more than a few days to be in the mood again, but it seems to be quite common to have sex really soon after childbirth.
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Offline 'andersom'

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But if you wash your hands properly and it or its applicator doesn't touch anything except your hands until it's inside you, why would you get an infection?

Someone at your school died of TSS, Soph? What happened exactly? Did anyone actually make an announcement that that was what she died from? Was it in the news? Was there a memorial assembly where the principal said she died of that? (That would be so embarrassing!) Or was everybody just talking about it? Did her friends tell everyone she died of that? (Some friends they were if they did that.)

TSS has more to do with too much absorbtion if I recall correctly. When the first cases of TSS were there, they were related to tampons with super-absorbant kernels. And that has been changed afterwards. It's not something that happens because of tampons alone. Huge wounds and bandages can cause TSS too.
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Offline Phlexor

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And yes, Phlexor, I am very sensitive to humiliation! But since everybody on here seems to get humiliated by everyone else, perhaps it won't be so bad.

Take it as an opportunity to learn to develop a thicker skin.


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You aren't supposed to have sex for a while after giving birth either.  My friend started having sex before she was supposed to when she had her daughter and she got an infection.

Wouldn't it hurt to have sex a few days/weeks after childbirth anyway?  :O_o:

I had 'the talk' from the midwife a day after giving birth, about contraceptives, and how it would be wise to use condoms if I really wanted to have sex very soon. Both because of hygiene, and because some women can conceive straight after giving birth.
Both times the midwife said she should officially have given me that talk sooner than a day after giving birth.

Took me more than a few days to be in the mood again, but it seems to be quite common to have sex really soon after childbirth.

Eurgh, still the thought of it makes me go all numb down there.  Definitely no childbirth for me  8)

Offline Natalia Evans

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I am so glad I am not that sexual. I won't be desperate to have sex again after I have a kid but I would have to deal with a husband who might.


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Pah.  Hand him lube and a box of tissues if he does.

Offline Mr Smith

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The mods there atm are power abusers.

I had some posts deleted, they're trying to hide bickering on wp like it doesn't exist.

I thought the posts of mine had some very valid points. I was not informed of why they were deleted, or by whom.

Offline 'andersom'

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You aren't supposed to have sex for a while after giving birth either.  My friend started having sex before she was supposed to when she had her daughter and she got an infection.

Wouldn't it hurt to have sex a few days/weeks after childbirth anyway?  :O_o:

I had 'the talk' from the midwife a day after giving birth, about contraceptives, and how it would be wise to use condoms if I really wanted to have sex very soon. Both because of hygiene, and because some women can conceive straight after giving birth.
Both times the midwife said she should officially have given me that talk sooner than a day after giving birth.

Took me more than a few days to be in the mood again, but it seems to be quite common to have sex really soon after childbirth.

Eurgh, still the thought of it makes me go all numb down there.  Definitely no childbirth for me  8)

The numbness is not true perse. The end result for me was that it only became more sensitive in a nice way. Took a few weeks to have it all functioning again, but it was even better than it had been before.

Don't get kids gambling on that after effect though....
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline 'andersom'

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Where are my manners?

Welcome Anastashia Florinyeva.
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Offline Phlexor

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I am so glad I am not that sexual. I won't be desperate to have sex again after I have a kid but I would have to deal with a husband who might.

Please have at least 2 children, an only child gets lonely.