
Author Topic: Banned From WP For No Reason-- A Collection of Issues Brought Up By Members  (Read 19895 times)

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Offline Natalia Evans

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I've always loved pads. I preferred the Always because they absorbed. I didn't like flat pads. In fact I hated getting my period then because it was too messy and it get on my panties and clothes until I found another solution. Toilet paper in my butt crack to stop the blood from flowing up there and birth control pills made my period lighter.

Offline Adam

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oh man here's a picture of zhukov and rokossovsky

[attachment deleted by admin]


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I prefer tampons.


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Also, it's strange Lit and SG never attempted to hook up  :orly: 

Offline Shareese/Ana54

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I prefer tampons too. Always have. Mind you, I could have done with some Depends when I had postpartum bleeding (and I didn't get the absurdity of them telling me not to use tampons for like 2 months after giving birth because it copuld cause an infection... HOW DOES THAT WORK???) That way you don't get it on the sheets, anyway.

SG, I suppose they could have given you your old account back and banned the Spokane Girl one. But I guess that would have required too much effort on their part.

I'm pretty sure they kept you around because you amused them with your fetish and made them feel good about themselves... on the other hand, they had no use for me. I reregistered as Stassia Florine, and made posts in the same style and about the same topics as I usually talked about as Ana54, and I lasted about 2 days. Then I was banned again.

And yes, Phlexor, I am very sensitive to humiliation! But since everybody on here seems to get humiliated by everyone else, perhaps it won't be so bad.

Chris: really? Do you have any stories to tell? I have an embarrassing moment I never told anyone about before. I was bleeding so heavily I had to make a huge pad out of toilet paper. It extended all the way back over my butt, so that hopefully I was still protected no matter how I sat or lay. Then at school, in gym class, I bent down to pick up a ball or something and my enemy at that school, who was about 15 feet away, looked right at my butt and whispered something to another girl. Then later (though I didn't get the connection between the two incidents until years later) another girl (in a group with her friends) asked me if I wore protection. Not knowing what that meant, and being a virgin and a naive one at that, I suspected that protection was something boys AND girls could wear while having sex. So I said that yes, I did wear protection. Oh, the fucking horror of it all! They never brought it up with me again. But there was never any rumor going around the school that I wore "protection" either. I hope they knew I thought that they meant protection for sex... not protection from shitting yourself!


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Also, it's strange Lit and SG never attempted to hook up  :orly: 

But she's not interested in eating the shit.  :-\


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I once had to go commando cause my tampon leaked.  I was wearing a skirt  :laugh:

As for the infection, it makes sense since by putting in a tampon, you're could potentially be transferring bacteria inside yourself.  Hence why (I think) you're not allowed to keep the same tampon in for more than 4-5 hours. 

Also, it's strange Lit and SG never attempted to hook up  :orly: 

But she's not interested in eating the shit.  :-\


Offline Adam

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a girl at my school died (before i went there) from toxic shock syndrome

Offline Shareese/Ana54

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But if you wash your hands properly and it or its applicator doesn't touch anything except your hands until it's inside you, why would you get an infection?

Someone at your school died of TSS, Soph? What happened exactly? Did anyone actually make an announcement that that was what she died from? Was it in the news? Was there a memorial assembly where the principal said she died of that? (That would be so embarrassing!) Or was everybody just talking about it? Did her friends tell everyone she died of that? (Some friends they were if they did that.)

Offline Adam

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i wasn't there when it happened (80s or 90s it was)

there's a memorial for her there though. it doesn't actually say on it that that's what she died from, but it's pretty much general knowledge really

it was in the local news i think

they tell the new kids about it when they do the sex ed thing

Offline Shareese/Ana54

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What a horrible thing to be remembered for!

Offline Adam

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that's what a lot of the kids think at first, when they're all like "eww"

but generally it's not thought of like that

i think her family wanted it to be used as an opportuinty to raise awareness or whatever

and i reckon it probably does work - all the kids in the school would have been aware of it and what causes it

Offline Callaway

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But if you wash your hands properly and it or its applicator doesn't touch anything except your hands until it's inside you, why would you get an infection?

Washing your hands would help, but the entrance to your vagina isn't sterile and neither is the tampon, for that matter.

Also, your cervix is still open from having dilated for you to give birth, so it woud be easy for you to introduce bacteria into your uterus.

You aren't supposed to have sex for a while after giving birth either.  My friend started having sex before she was supposed to when she had her daughter and she got an infection.


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You aren't supposed to have sex for a while after giving birth either.  My friend started having sex before she was supposed to when she had her daughter and she got an infection.

Wouldn't it hurt to have sex a few days/weeks after childbirth anyway?  :O_o:

Offline Callaway

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You aren't supposed to have sex for a while after giving birth either.  My friend started having sex before she was supposed to when she had her daughter and she got an infection.

Wouldn't it hurt to have sex a few days/weeks after childbirth anyway?  :O_o:

That's what I thought, but apparently my friend and her husband were very horny.