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Who the fucks lit?and PPR must lead a fulfilling life to dig that thread up
Haha, but a site like this doesn't really need a mod. And yes at the time I would've helped out, cause some retard, probably you actually was posting pictures of some woman with her legs in the air, spraying out shite, funny as it was, they were being posted where kids could see that.
And wait PPR, you was in the army in 1981, how old are you? And what was your username on WP?
True, i'm sorry you don't have a life other than a cyber one.
I didn't beg, I asked, and that was a long time ago, i'd actually forgotten untill you bought it up, you must think about me a lot.
Oh, PPK. You seem to have a childish biterness about you.
Wait, that WP thread was made in April 2008. Old news is old.
Here is the thread with you complaining about WP not having enough moderation because someone posted pictures that were corrupting people for all of 90 minutes. Hell you even tried the do it for the children crap on page 2. http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt64383.html
Alex179: Everything that is living is dying. It will stop dying when it is dead.
Bottom line: Alex ran off all the sensible mods and posters, and the Visigoths have taken over the cathedral.Just like when you get a new Home Despot in your town: for the first year, you get employees who know what they're doing. Then they get transferred to the next store opening, leaving behind the ones who don't know their hand from a handsaw.