WP is unsalvageable. It has been taken over by the (incorrectly) self-diagnosed whiners, and the mods do all they can to protect them from anyone who questions them.
Hence the reason I gave up on WP. I remember being 12 years old, missing multiple days from school to ride into the city with my parents so I could go through extensive testing by a neurologist, and after 5 of these 6 hour long testing sessions, they said that I had Asperger's Syndrome.
What gets me about WP is the fact that someone can skim through the Wikipedia article about Asperger's, say "yea, that sounds vaguely like me", then say that they believe they have Asperger's, and I'm supposed to just accept them as being true aspies and not tell them how full of shit they are?
I'm not supposed to question anyone's diagnosis even when they admit that they were never actually diagnosed with anything, that doesn't work in my brain.