There was a Dr Phil episode on TV here yesterday about the n-word, or nigger as we all know it to be. Blacks were arguing that, even though it was a word made up by whites to denigrate them 200-odd years ago, they should be able to use it whenever they see fit. But if a white person said nigger, then the blacks would scream bloody murder and have them for racial hatred.
The point is, these words like nigger, cunt, bastard, fuckstick etc are only WORDS, and while someone might get offended, the word will still exist. Some of these idiots on this show suggested that the word nigger be expunged from the language.... My reaction would have been 'then if it's one out, all out'. Nobody then would be able to use any word, be it shit, cunt, faggot, turd or anything else.
We had some dude here write this book called 'Bastards I Have Met' and he was an ocker Aussie named Sam Weller. The book gives examples of how the word is used, and has a lighthearted look at the etimology and use of it. Do a search on Google or Amazon, it might still be in print.
Just checked. Try this link: