
Author Topic: Jeanne Robinson needs help  (Read 488 times)

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Jeanne Robinson needs help
« on: August 26, 2009, 07:22:36 PM »
For those in the know or not, Jeanne is the wife of SF writer Spider Robinson, and has co-written several books with him, most notably the STARDANCE trilogy. She is a trained dancer, choreographer and Zen Buddhist monk. The rest of the story comes from

This year a brilliant surgeon, Dr. Andresz Busczowski, helped Jeanne Robinson beat back a rare and virulent form of biliary cancer. But it’s so rare even he can’t say how much time he‘s bought her, or how soon it might recur. For technical reasons, she is not a candidate for either radiation or chemo. Her only hope for longterm survival is therefore to reboot and reinvigorate her failed immune system. She needs special therapies and meds, extensive diet and lifestyle changes, and a stress level as close to zero as possible. All those are expensive, none are covered by even Canada’s excellent medical care...and like many artists today, the Robinsons were already running on fumes financially.

But Jeanne, a Soto Zen monk, has been spreading love and kindness in all directions for a long time. So her Buddhist sangha in Vancouver, her neighbors on Bowen Island, and friends as far away as Florida have all spontaneously come together to raise funds to help keep her around as long as possible. Your participation is welcomed. A Bowen benefit concert, “WE DREAM FOR JEANNE,” will be held at Cates Hill Chapel at 7:30 PM on Friday Sept 18 details here; cheques may be made out to Jeanne Robinson in Trust and sent to Mountain Rain Zen Center, 6183 Fraser St. Vancouver, BC V5W 2Z9; goods or services can be donated for eBay auction by contacting Jan Schroeder at <>, and PayPal donations can be sent to

Jeanne and Spider both warmly appreciate your help, support, prayers or just good thoughts.
Alex179: Everything that is living is dying.   It will stop dying when it is dead.
"Earth is the cradle of Humanity. But one cannot live in a cradle forever."--Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
The law is the law. Rules are rules. God is God. A is A. Black is black. I want my baby back.