
Author Topic: guns  (Read 13150 times)

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Re: guns
« Reply #60 on: November 05, 2009, 08:48:55 PM »
Half a dozen Coastal Blacktail Deer, a couple dozen wild pigs and hundreds of long range Ground Squirrels. My best shot on a Ground Squirrel was 600 yards with my .243, 87gr Hornady V-Max @ 3400fps
Great shot Scrap!  :thumbup: Thanks for the info on the effect of the different bottlenecks, I was wondering about that difference myself.

Here's the weird part though, when you keep necking the -06 case down, the peformance decreases at .30 and 7mm, then increases at .277 and, then decreases again at .264, .257 and .243. Internal ballistics is still a bit of a black art and what goes on iside the case when it goes bang isn't precisely understood.
Robert Rinker has alluded to that sort of anomalus stuff in the book Understanding Firearm Ballistics which I have only worked partway through but it is very comprehensive. If you don't have a copy you might want to get one. Mine was $25 at a gunshow.


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Re: guns
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2009, 09:45:54 PM »
Half a dozen Coastal Blacktail Deer, a couple dozen wild pigs and hundreds of long range Ground Squirrels. My best shot on a Ground Squirrel was 600 yards with my .243, 87gr Hornady V-Max @ 3400fps
Great shot Scrap!  :thumbup: Thanks for the info on the effect of the different bottlenecks, I was wondering about that difference myself.

Here's the weird part though, when you keep necking the -06 case down, the peformance decreases at .30 and 7mm, then increases at .277 and, then decreases again at .264, .257 and .243. Internal ballistics is still a bit of a black art and what goes on iside the case when it goes bang isn't precisely understood.
Robert Rinker has alluded to that sort of anomalus stuff in the book Understanding Firearm Ballistics which I have only worked partway through but it is very comprehensive. If you don't have a copy you might want to get one. Mine was $25 at a gunshow.

Sounds fascinating, but I'd only be interested in it if it had some kind of benchrest worthy reloading techniques.


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Re: guns
« Reply #62 on: November 05, 2009, 10:02:31 PM »
what would you recomend?

Now that I've thought about it some moar, this would be just what you're looking for: Find a Savage Model 99 in .308 Win or some cartrige based on that. The Savage 99 is often overlooked, but has one VERY nice feature, a detachable, 5 round, box magazine. Have it re-barreled in .358 Win or the .375 version of that cartridge, or you could go crazy and neck it up to .416. Of course this would mean having to rent out a set of reamers to give to your gunsmith and buying expesive custom reloading dies ($120 or more). The .358 Win is the easiest route though, since some factory ammo is available, although I'm pretty sure it's all loaded with round-nose bullets. In that case, you'd want to reload anyways to take advantage of the fact that you can shoot pointed bullets out of a Savage 99.

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Re: guns
« Reply #63 on: November 06, 2009, 12:07:37 AM »
i had a dart gun, a machine gun, 2 water pistols and another pistol. i had a zorro sword, a regular sword, a light saber and an aladdin sword.
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Re: guns
« Reply #64 on: November 06, 2009, 02:10:42 AM »

Oooooooooooooooooh that makes sense now. You were quoting figures for the .338 Win Mag. I was talking about the wildcat .338-06. No wonder the stats you were quoting for the .338 seemed too high. The .35 Whelen and .338-06 are ballisticaly very close. The .338 outperforms the .35 in bullet weights from 250g on down for the reason you just mentioned. The slight increase in bottleneck improves the efficiency of the case. The .338 seems to be a ballistic sweet spot with the -06 case. It outperforms both larger and smaller bores.
aha, ill check that out.

Half a dozen Coastal Blacktail Deer, a couple dozen wild pigs and hundreds of long range Ground Squirrels. My best shot on a Ground Squirrel was 600 yards with my .243, 87gr Hornady V-Max @ 3400fps


Damn, that's a tough one. A gun that's lightweight and has enough knockdown power for a Grizzly (Brown Bear, same thing) is going to kick the crap out of you. A 12ga Pump or semi-auto comes to mind. Otherwise a .375 Winchester lever-action if you can find one.

ive got a remington 1100 12ga. not exactly something id want to pack around. thought about the mossberg JIC but id have to practice shooting from the hip, and still prolly wouldnt feel comfortable taking on a bear with it.

375 win is too far out of production, i dont want a fucked up old 20 year old gun. but thats generally what im looking for. i like that it was available in 20" barrel, i could pack that pretty easily.

either of you shot a 405 winchester? looks like theyre making some new 1895s in 405. i have a feeling itd maim my shoulder though. and id have reservations buying a new 100 year old gun.

does anybody make a 338-06 lever with a 20" barrel? what about the 338 marlin express?

ill check savage, but i dont want anything modified. and reloading my own bullets isnt something id want to get into.
...a giant fucking revolver...

the 460 is looking more practical for packing. think itd kill a bear?
(did i just refer to the 460 as practical? time for bed)
i had a dart gun, a machine gun, 2 water pistols and another pistol. i had a zorro sword, a regular sword, a light saber and an aladdin sword.

what about your rail gun? you forgot about that one.

feix ma spellan. ai nide halp. coz i caent duet.


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Re: guns
« Reply #65 on: November 06, 2009, 02:47:27 AM »
There is a 460V model with a 5" barrel Matthe, 1" of it is comp. It weighs 62 oz, mine w/8.375" barrel weighs 72.4 oz on my postal scale.


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Re: guns
« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2009, 12:45:43 PM »
Hey matthe,

I just found out that Savage did make the Model 99 in .358 Winchester. The .358 Win is just the .308 necked up to .35, its ballisticaly close to the .35 Whelen, but should have managable recoil. I also checked on ammo availability, and Winchester and a few other companies, still make ammo for it. The factory load is a 200gr Silvertip spitzer @ 2500.

As far as recoil goes, have you thought about wearing a padded shooting jacket? You could also add a soft rubber recoil pad to the buttstock and one last thing is to add one or two of those mercury filled recoil reducers.

BTW, I pulled a hair from one of the few places on my body that still has hair, grabbed my Brown&Sharp 0-1" mics, and the hair measured at .0022". :moon::razz: Don't believe everything you read.

Oh, one last thing, if you preffer the Browning BLR, they have one here.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 03:03:56 PM by Scrapheap »

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Re: guns
« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2009, 02:17:36 PM »
Used to has my granddad's .38 Colt service revolver. In firing condition. It was sold as part of my father's estate.  :(
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Offline Lemon Aguilera

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Re: guns
« Reply #68 on: November 06, 2009, 02:48:02 PM »
i had a dart gun, a machine gun, 2 water pistols and another pistol. i had a zorro sword, a regular sword, a light saber and an aladdin sword.

and those ninja turtle things you hurl.
"the dreams we dream together become reality" - John Lemon

Offline matthe

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Re: guns
« Reply #69 on: November 06, 2009, 04:08:18 PM »
There is a 460V model with a 5" barrel Matthe, 1" of it is comp. It weighs 62 oz, mine w/8.375" barrel weighs 72.4 oz on my postal scale.

yeah 4 or 5 lbs seems alot more realistic than a 9lb rifle. id prolly go for the 8 or 10 inch. im thinking that might be the way to go cause i could shortload it and use it for dinner, without vaporizing dinner. have you tried the 45lc in that? it can shoot 460, 454 and 45lc right?
Hey matthe,

I just found out that Savage did make the Model 99 in .358 Winchester. The .358 Win is just the .308 necked up to .35, its ballisticaly close to the .35 Whelen, but should have managable recoil. I also checked on ammo availability, and Winchester and a few other companies, still make ammo for it. The factory load is a 200gr Silvertip spitzer @ 2500.

As far as recoil goes, have you thought about wearing a padded shooting jacket? You could also add a soft rubber recoil pad to the buttstock and one last thing is to add one or two of those mercury filled recoil reducers.

BTW, I pulled a hair from one of the few places on my body that still has hair, grabbed my Brown&Sharp 0-1" mics, and the hair measured at .0022". :moon::razz: Don't believe everything you read.

Oh, one last thing, if you preffer the Browning BLR, they have one here.

blr are supposed to be the best levers, but they are heavier too i think. need to do some more research...
i had a dart gun, a machine gun, 2 water pistols and another pistol. i had a zorro sword, a regular sword, a light saber and an aladdin sword.

and those ninja turtle things you hurl.

feix ma spellan. ai nide halp. coz i caent duet.


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Re: guns
« Reply #70 on: November 06, 2009, 11:07:33 PM »
There is a 460V model with a 5" barrel Matthe, 1" of it is comp. It weighs 62 oz, mine w/8.375" barrel weighs 72.4 oz on my postal scale.

yeah 4 or 5 lbs seems alot more realistic than a 9lb rifle. id prolly go for the 8 or 10 inch. im thinking that might be the way to go cause i could shortload it and use it for dinner, without vaporizing dinner. have you tried the 45lc in that? it can shoot 460, 454 and 45lc right?
Yes it will shoot all of those loads but a mid range 454 will be the lightest I bother shooting in it. The 45 ACP is too close to the performance of the standard 45 Colt for me to shoot 45 Colt out of it, although I am sure a 250 grain SWC @ ~ 850 fps would be a pussycat in a 72 ounce revolver.


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Re: guns
« Reply #71 on: November 07, 2009, 01:52:26 PM »
... The 45 ACP is too close to the performance of the standard 45 Colt for me to shoot 45 Colt out of it, although I am sure a 250 grain SWC @ ~ 850 fps would be a pussycat in a 72 ounce revolver.

That's why you reload for the .45 Colt. I can push 250gr'ers out to 1500-1550 in my Redhawk.  8)


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Re: guns
« Reply #72 on: November 10, 2009, 09:34:00 AM »
Melt them all  >:D


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Re: guns
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2009, 11:41:02 AM »

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: guns
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2009, 05:31:32 PM »
this was my gun in the military*

i was in a lazy-platoon, we didnt get any other handguns. i shared a browning M2 heavy machinegun w another guy.

i really like the G3 tho, so much i included it in my flag!

^the slight difference in the grip-shape is not an accident. the grip on the above pic is from the newer models.

with the internet consisting of 99,9% americans, i cannot stress that enough. mandatory, mandatory, mandatory.
military or one year in prison guys :]
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 05:33:21 PM by ZEGH8578 »