My buddy chucki ruined my BB guin so he payed for it. With the pay back and some of my birthday money from relatives I got a BB gun rifle and a pisol. They came in one pack. it was $50 and their not bad. I like to shoot my dads beer cans with them. They also come in handy when we get big birds like ravens and owls in our yard.
why would I shoot them? becuase they prey on our 6 pound Yorkshire terrier and miniature-dachshund-Chihuahua. THIS DOES HAPPEN BIG BIRDS WILL PREY ON YOUR SMALL DOGS. Farmers in our community have lost baby sheep that have had their eyes brutally stabbed out by birds of prey.
Anyways here are my new guns. God i'm such a tomboy
Their not real guns but still. those BB's can bounce back at you and you could lose an eye.