Is it just me or are her arms a bit short? 
There does seem to be a slight photographic foreshortening of her forearm. I think her humerus length seems normal, though.
Camera phones or phone cameras pretty much suck.
This is why portrait photographers use long lenses and gradated lighting when photographing most people. The long focus lens tends to "flatten" the image (focus length of the lens does not affect depth of field, a common misconception. Depth of field is merely is function of lens aperture and subject Distance to acquire a specified image size at your film plane), getting rid of most anomalies associated with shorter focus lenses, such as foreshortening of limbs which are on an angle closer to the position of the camera rather than an angle closer to the perpendicular plane of focus. Then, of course, you have to put back the dimensional identifying shading and perception of depth with clever use of directional lighting strategies.