This is actually becoming boring. Like in eighth grade, OK Daddy can have a gun, no one is allowed onto our property, mommy can not vote, OH wait!
Now it is ninth grade.
Yes it is, but there's not much else at the moment.
Good point on mommy voting. If one really wants to get into the intent of the time it was written, then we the people were probably just we the men of the united states. In terms of our reserve militia, it still means that.
May be for most, but I know a "lady" five ten, one hundred seventy pounds of solid girl muscle, still after all these years since her service, that no one could take down who is a part of the local reserves.
Wife to one of my Neighborhood Watch buddies, who has also offered us a bit of training in security, but she is one bad ass.
Did two tours back ten years ago and came back home in one piece. Now it is all about her adopted kid. I am not jealous of my pal for having a bonafide, proven warrior woman in his home, but I wonder how he is worthy. He is just a regular guy. Not a subject I would ever approach.
There are some gals out there who still serve in the reserves and such. Do not discount them.
Not sure if that is what you meant, but the Reserves is as close as we get to a "Well Regulated Militia" these days.
Oh, forgot to mention, they have guns and they both know how to use them.
Pretty sure I am the only one in the neighborhood who keeps a Class III license though.
The mommy point was a look toward the FACT that we still have to re-think everything. Fucking all of it!