Longboarding! It's so much fun. It's only my third time out and I can already grab the side of the board while going down hill (a slight hill cause i'm a noob) but even that you can go pretty fast. I like to bend down close to the ground because I can watch out for those rocks the kids in the neighborhood throw around. I fell on my butt because of those stupid rocks. I' love the feeling it's like surfing in a concrete ocean. The cars are sharks, the slutty groups of girls wearing short shorts are heards of jelllyfish in thr way.
It can be scary esspecialy going fast cause the bard wobbles and I freaked out and jumped off the board landed on my feet and kept running but it's better to live a life of danger then to arrvie safley at my grave.
Also this will keep me in shape rather then getting fat playing world of warcraft.
Most people i've talked with online don't know what a longboard is this is what it is
It's a bamboo pinner.