Fine. Would help if she could show some more maturity, but I guess that's a big ask.
I don't see how expressing my dislike for you is being immature really
Then again you'd know all about maturity wouldn't you?
The main issue I have with you, is that you'd do just about anything to be liked here, so you pick on the ones everyone else seems to pick on and hope that people think you're awesome cause of it. Also, this quote pretty much speaks for itself:
You don't run this site, so your opinion counts for shit.

Bullshit. Plain and simple. I never expected to be liked. You just go too fucking much overboard. Your like a cracked record. I even felt sorry for you in that thread on zOMG where pea got into you about backstabbing him. Not any longer. You have no right to judge me or my comments becuase you are just as fucking hypocritical as you claim I am. So ether move on and get over it, or crawl back into your hole.
Oh really? So why did you throw a fit when you thought people were "ganging up" on you? If you
really didn't give a fuck about people liking you, you wouldn't have cared.
I have every right to judge your comments in the same way you have a right to judge mine since we do post on a forum. It's just you're the one who's sensitive to criticsm

As for me being hypocritical, firstly, where and how? Secondly, who isn't?