ok everybody stop, i fucked up, big time looks like.

i am not butcoffee
i am matthe, gaspeite, happy funball, diamond keller etc
i have made a big mistake and it prolly will never get cleared up now. but i must try.
when i was confronted with this post in the hottest dude thread i did not know that there was a troll named buttcoffe.
Odeon. This guy is buttcoffee. Requesting ban.
i thought he was insulting me saying that i was diareha. i did not understand what he meant.
thinking that it was an insult, i did not know how to react. i thought that i would take on the name cause i thought it had a nice ring to it. and i thought rage was tring to prank on me. so i thought that by taking the insult as my name i would show him that he couldnt get my goat. i really thought that he thought that my posts were so bad that he wanted me banned. and i thought "he cant get me banned for making a dumb post, otherwise flo woulda been gone along time ago."
i had no idea who buttcoffee was till just now when i searched buttcoffee.
i am not buttcoffee. the ip should show that i am not him.
i do not know buttcoffee,
i can imagine that this is a lost cause tring to explain myself. i can only hope that the ip will show that im not him.
im sorry rage for the misunderstanding. i can see now how this all looks to you. but i swear to fucking god that i am not buttcoffee.
I AM NOT BUTTCOFFEE!!!!!!! i beg you all please believe me