Okay. I found this toad at my grandmother's bramble-infested garden, which I named either Henry or Henrietta (because I don't know the toad's gender), last Saturday. I captured the toad because I wanted to take it to the hospice garden, where it will be safer, I think. I kept it inside a plastic container with a couple of holes on its lid so it can breathe in oxygen, along with some foilage and some water.
Did I do the right thing by keeping it inside with those conditions at the time? Or was I trying to kill it? I don't know much about toads, but I do know that they are similar to frogs.
Eventually, I took it to the hospice where there is a pond. I let the toad go and it jumped right in the pond. I know that there are only goldfish in there, so I don't think they will eat it.
Today, I'm worried that I think the toad's dead and I fucked up big time.

(Yeah, laugh all you want, you assholes.
