I'd rather see you explaining how the US could afford attacking a couple of dozen dictatorships. You haven't, and it seems that in your world, it's not a problem. That is naive in the extreme, and since you've resorted to the third-grader-style responses, the only possible conclusions are that you a) don't see the problem, or b) are cornered and don't know of any possible response. So rather than admitting that you were wrong or oversimplified a bit, you switched to... this.
In any case, you were pwned.
But please, try again. One of Intensity's original concepts was for it to be a training ground for Aspies that had problems getting their point across in the big, bad world, and you fit the criteria. I doubt I'll care enough to try to educate you again, but there are others, and if you pick a simple enough subject, you, too, can succeed. Good luck.