1: Pea shouldn't have told Odeon to ban him. He should stop whining about it. Although I do agree with him that i2 has it's share of emos/arse kissers/useless admins. Odeon's poo sure must taste really nice, PMS Elle.

2: Odeon should let pea back on. The matter was outside of the forum, so not letting him back on over personal issues isn't very admin-like. You'd get sacked IRL if you didn't serve someone you didn't like, for example. Whatever modzilla did, that's her fault, not pea's. She seems to have fucked off into obscurity as of late, like Flake and Kosmo.
3: It's both Odeon's and Lucifer's fault. Pea shouldn't have defended her like some ginger knight, she was in the wrong too for having an affair with Odeon. Then again, that's Pea... always jumping into things without thinking. I did laugh when Odeon got the letter though, serves him right. But personally If I was Pea, I wouldn't have got involved.
4: Callaway once again shows that she's more spazzier than rain-man.