
Author Topic: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL  (Read 25889 times)

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #495 on: June 04, 2011, 06:10:31 PM »
^Wasn't he a deluded schizo? A follower pur sang?
No, all that alone time? And his famous outbursts? Not dealing well in social settings, unless he could be the one talking. We've got a winner.  :laugh:

And, he is/was a member here too.  :autism:
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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #496 on: June 04, 2011, 06:13:59 PM »
^Wasn't he a deluded schizo? A follower pur sang?
No, all that alone time? And his famous outbursts? Not dealing well in social settings, unless he could be the one talking. We've got a winner.  :laugh:

And, he is/was a member here too.  :autism:
:2thumbsup: I owe you a  :plus: for that assessment. But I'll "forget" like you did.  :hahaha:

Offline lutra

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #497 on: June 04, 2011, 06:16:27 PM »
^Wasn't he a deluded schizo? A follower pur sang?
And still successful 2000 years later.  :laugh:

Due to.. (?)


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #498 on: June 04, 2011, 06:19:35 PM »
^Wasn't he a deluded schizo? A follower pur sang?
No, all that alone time? And his famous outbursts? Not dealing well in social settings, unless he could be the one talking. We've got a winner.  :laugh:

And, he is/was a member here too.  :autism:
:2thumbsup: I owe you a  :plus: for that assessment. But I'll "forget" like you did.  :hahaha:
Don't worry, semicolon will remind you.  :orly:
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #499 on: June 04, 2011, 06:25:24 PM »
^Wasn't he a deluded schizo? A follower pur sang?
And still successful 2000 years later.  :laugh:

Due to.. (?)


Having millions of dunderheads believing in his divinity and awaiting his return.

Offline lutra

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #500 on: June 04, 2011, 07:20:51 PM »

.. some think the 3 human beings mentioned by me, in this light, is like stating I'm a moron claiming they were on the auti-spectrum? And yeah, I'm megalomaniacly comparing here?

I said maybe.. and.. I never said I'm in their league.. (I'm not ofc.. )

Well, do you know anything about their lives, I'm wondering here.. quick to judge dunderheads? Awaiting?

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #501 on: June 04, 2011, 07:29:29 PM »
It's a funny joke to make, the famous autistic bit, but don't think anything moronic of it and happen to enjoy armchair diagnosing dead people too.


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #502 on: June 05, 2011, 12:29:31 AM »

.. some think the 3 human beings mentioned by me, in this light, is like stating I'm a moron claiming they were on the auti-spectrum? And yeah, I'm megalomaniacly comparing here?
I just looked over my posts in this thread. I have not referred to you as a megalomaniac. I do consider the practice of labeling every famous dead person one admires as aspie/autie to be fucking ridiculous. In your professional practice working with autistic people how many have you officially diagnosed? I ask because it took me about a year to find a shrink who would diagnose a living adult and it was 14 months from the time I suspected that I was on the spectrum until I was DX'ed.

It appears to me to be a bunch of useless Pollyanna wishful thinking when spazzes make up a huge list of famous accomplished people who must be aspie because it makes them (the spazzes) feel warm and fuzzy to think so.  ::) Meantime anyone perusing Wrong Planet, AFF, here or other spazz websites can figuratively throw a dead cat in any direction and hit someone who either can't 1) hold down a fucking job, 2) get a Drivers License, 3) ride the bus without an escort, 4) Speak in public, 5) get laid. Oh yeah Lutra, that totally fits with Jesus, Siddartha, Archimedes, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke, Galileo Gallilei, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Osama bin Laden et al being aspies. Why is it so easy for spazzes like you to proclaim all these famous people to be aspies yet so difficult for an actual adult who is still living to locate a Dr who will even try to diagnose if they are spazz or not?   
I said maybe.. and.. I never said I'm in their league.. (I'm not ofc.. )
And I did not accuse you of claiming such talent.
Well, do you know anything about their lives, I'm wondering here.. quick to judge dunderheads? Awaiting?
Yes, Christians are waiting for a scam artist 2000 years dead to reappear. Several thousand gave up their life savings on the assumption that the Rapture was going to happen last May 21st. If that sounds like a rational intelligent belief system to you then make your case as to why it is rational and intelligent.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #503 on: June 05, 2011, 02:54:48 AM »
Do you think Superman is autistic? Or Yoda?
Superman is from Krypton, where it is considered normal for men to wear tights with bikini panties over them. DSM criteria were never intended to apply to space aliens AFAIK. Yoda is a gnarly looking space rat, possibly a thalidomide baby equivalent for whatever his planet is. I say no to both.  

What about Luke Skywalker? The guy is socially inept. :zoinks:
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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #504 on: June 05, 2011, 02:55:51 AM »
Oh, and mind you.. derailing stuff even further here.. he couldn't read or write musical noting.

Miles Davis worked with him just before Jimi died and he was amazed/flabbergasted to find out this was the case.

Well, I think, in a way, Jimi Hendrix was like Vincent van Gogh.. um, painting.. yeah, like Miles, a free spirit, way into adulthood..

Like in HFA maybe?
Please spare me the "every famous creative person ever was an aspie" argument.

Newton is an aspie. :trollface:
Everybody famous is. NT's are actually a minority.

So, we're the fail aspies, that just didn't make it?

Yes. That's why we ended up here. :P
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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #505 on: June 05, 2011, 04:30:20 AM »

That's a lot of generalisations there.. and where did I proclaim ALL those people mentioned by you were on the spectrum? You're claiming I did there but I've never mentioned them.

Holding a job, being able to drive, 3, 4, 5 excludes one from being autistic? Having the talent to do what Van Gogh and Hendrix did isn't a reason, imo, they couldn't be either. 

You dislike spazzies/folks who state that this or that historical figure must have been on the auti-spectrum, making long-lists of 'supposed to have beens' to make them feel warm and fuzzy. Yeah, seeing it that way I do too.. maybe  I should've made more clear that I thought it was a possibility and that I think said two.. Well, blahiah..

It's not a big issue here.. 

And chrisitianity/religions sounding like an intelligent and rational belief system.. to me? Hu? I'm convinced atheist and I really don't understand what point you're making there.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #506 on: June 05, 2011, 04:51:33 AM »
You know, guys, I laughed when some WP members said Keanu Reeves must be an Aspie.

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #507 on: June 05, 2011, 05:15:39 AM »
Our former PM was criticised for being autistic a lot. And I have seen it with more politicians happen. Not as vehemently as with JP Balkenende though, he did have some socialising awkwardness, that did not do him any favours.

So, not all famous people who get the verdict "on the spectrum" get it for the greater glory of people on the spectrum.

It's not a big deal. I kind of agree with Jack, it can be fun time passing, dx-ing the world. But, it isn't more than that, just fun.

Long lists of famous aspies, famous ADHD, famous high-sensitive, and famous high-intelligence people are a laugh. When I see people seriously bringing that to the fore I find it hard to take them serious. Have you ever noticed how those lists all are the same btw?
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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #508 on: June 05, 2011, 05:31:43 AM »

That's a lot of generalisations there.. and where did I proclaim ALL those people mentioned by you were on the spectrum? You're claiming I did there but I've never mentioned them.
You didn't. I did, for fun. This bs in the youtube video that aspies supremacist types spout off trying to credit is what I'm a bit sick of. Are you an aspie? Want to feel good by taking vicarious credit for other peoples accomplishments? It's easy, just proclaim any famous person you admire to be an aspie!  :thumbup: It must be so! Some one said it!

Holding a job, being able to drive, 3, 4, 5 excludes one from being autistic?
No. It does not. However people on the autism spectrum have a much greater tendency to not have a job, not have a drivers license, have hang ups about using public transport, and be social retards that don't form age appropriate relationships. This pertains to a whole lot of higher functioning autists. Now take into account that not all of the 1 in 150 people that are autistic are high functioning and the potential for high numbers of famous creative people being on the spectrum really dwindles. Thomas Jefferson as an aspie?  What a fucking joke. Like aspies would thrive on being front and center of a political campaign.

Having the talent to do what Van Gogh and Hendrix did isn't a reason, imo, they couldn't be either. 
Where is the proof? Not supposition. Not wishful thinking. Proof. Where is it? 
You dislike spazzies/folks who state that this or that historical figure must have been on the auti-spectrum, making long-lists of 'supposed to have beens' to make them feel warm and fuzzy. Yeah, seeing it that way I do too.. maybe  I should've made more clear that I thought it was a possibility and that I think said two.. Well, blahiah..
In principle we are not at odds with respect to that. When someone is preaching to the choir lack of proof of big claims will not be required. But putting crap like that youtube I posted above in the public domain brings the credibility aspies as a group into question with any critical thinker that is not part of the aspie uber alles crowd IMO.
And chrisitianity/religions sounding like an intelligent and rational belief system.. to me? Hu? I'm convinced atheist and I really don't understand what point you're making there.
Reread the posts that got us to that point and if you still don't see where I was referring to Christians then don't worry about it.


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #509 on: June 05, 2011, 05:35:56 AM »
You know, guys, I laughed when some WP members said Keanu Reeves must be an Aspie.
He was good in The Matrix movies and Constantine.  :thumbup: