.. some think the 3 human beings mentioned by me, in this light, is like stating I'm a moron claiming they were on the auti-spectrum? And yeah, I'm megalomaniacly comparing here?
I just looked over my posts in this thread. I have not referred to you as a megalomaniac. I do consider the practice of labeling every famous dead person one admires as aspie/autie to be fucking ridiculous. In your professional practice working with autistic people how many have you officially diagnosed? I ask because it took me about a year to find a shrink who would diagnose a living adult and it was 14 months from the time I suspected that I was on the spectrum until I was DX'ed.
It appears to me to be a bunch of useless Pollyanna wishful thinking when spazzes make up a huge list of famous accomplished people who
must be aspie because it makes them (the spazzes) feel warm and fuzzy to think so.

Meantime anyone perusing Wrong Planet, AFF, here or other spazz websites can figuratively throw a dead cat in any direction and hit someone who either can't 1) hold down a fucking job, 2) get a Drivers License, 3) ride the bus without an escort, 4) Speak in public, 5) get laid. Oh yeah Lutra, that totally fits with Jesus, Siddartha, Archimedes, Robert Boyle, Robert Hooke, Galileo Gallilei, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Osama bin Laden et al being aspies. Why is it so easy for spazzes like you to proclaim all these famous people to be aspies yet so difficult for an actual adult who is still living to locate a Dr who will even try to diagnose if they are spazz or not?
I said maybe.. and.. I never said I'm in their league.. (I'm not ofc.. )
And I did not accuse you of claiming such talent.
Well, do you know anything about their lives, I'm wondering here.. quick to judge dunderheads? Awaiting?
Yes, Christians are waiting for a scam artist 2000 years dead to reappear. Several thousand gave up their life savings on the assumption that the Rapture was going to happen last May 21st. If that sounds like a rational intelligent belief system to you then make your case as to why it is rational and intelligent.