Author Topic: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL  (Read 26108 times)

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #165 on: July 27, 2009, 04:52:59 AM »
Evolution is not about improving a species, it's purely to make it adapt ideally to it's surroundings and to provide the best candidate for survival.

Agreed. Many people get the impression that as humans evolve, they will get more intelligent etc. the looks of things, people are getting stupider.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #166 on: July 27, 2009, 06:14:00 AM »
Evolution is not about improving a species, it's purely to make it adapt ideally to it's surroundings and to provide the best candidate for survival.

Actually, even this statement, while more correct than "species adaptation" is still too purposeful. There is no point to DNA replication; it just so happens that this is how DNA "competes" for resources (i.e., nucleotides); it's all chemistry in other words. All other things are illusory. Even placing evolution on the scale of the individual organism is too large because genes even within the same organism are often juxtaposed with one another (e.g., the propensity towards cancer, etc.). It's all about DNA replication.

--Which is btw why sex is unlikely to disappear from sexual species (although not that it's an impossibility). If humans became asexual in the true sense of the word (i.e., not needing another organism to aid in replicating its DNA) then sex wouldn't be required. But for as long as sexual intercourse is necessary to replicate DNA and continues to give those organisms greater advantage over those who are asexual, then we will always be sexual organisms. Because sexual organisms who don't have sex never pass down their DNA.

We are evolving. I believe that one day we will evolve beyond a biological or instinctual need to have sex. (that's not to say that people won't have it for fun)

GA, something tells me your hypothesis is more wishful thinking than based upon evidence tbh. There's obviously a range of sexual drives within the human species, and as far as animals go we're INCREDIBLY sexually-oriented. So it's not to say that some individuals might not have lower sexual drives than most. But then you come to the same problem: individuals with lower sexual drives are not likely to propagate and pass down that propensity to the same extent as more highly-driven individuals. So the trait would likely remain within a minority-- unless of course something were to change which gives replicative favor to the less sexually driven (e.g., a rampant and deadly string of STDs which wipe out the oversexed subpopulation).

But it's all about DNA replication. And in a sexual species, therefore, it's all about who's having sex.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #167 on: July 27, 2009, 07:28:56 AM »
Fair enough. I guess my statement was an observation that gave the illusion of purpose.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 07:35:22 AM by Singularity »
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #168 on: July 27, 2009, 08:58:56 AM »
I'm curious to meet Randy.
This brain could do with some more dimethyltryptamine.

What is the difference between ignorance and apathy? "I don't know and I don't care."

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #169 on: July 27, 2009, 10:01:48 AM »
Do some women actually feel flattered when a guy wants to fuck them?


WTF is wrong with them?

Odd though it is to say, Lit's right on both accounts- it is flattering to some extent to know guys want to sleep with you.  'Course that's keeping in mind the fact that in many male brains, "I find her attractive" re-routes by default to "I'd like to have sex with her" pretty easily.  It's also very loosely defining "wants to."  It's possible to have an attitude of "I would if I could but I can't so I won't."  It's also possible to be sexually attracted to someone and be interested in/care about them as a human being aside from that.

Yeah, maybe they do. But they don't all want to objectify the same person. It's nice when I have guy friends I can talk to and stuff, enjoy hanging around with.. who also like to hang out with me.. knowing for a fact they're attracted to and interested in someone else - so they guenuinely enjoy having me as a friend. Those are the people who are worth it. The ones who completely cut you off when they are interested in someone else are the ones who aren't - because they don't actually like you.
True to some extent, however, a guy being interested in another girl, dating another girl, being in a relationship with another girl, or being married to another girl does not preculde him from wanting in your pants.  Or, sadly, from trying.

A lot of the time Men will fuck anything, thats why. They don't fuck them because they're attractive. They fuck them because they're there. A lot of idiotic women seem to think if a guy gets a boner it means he thinks they're hot.

It means that he thinks that she's hot enough to fuck, which isn't that bad.
It stops being a compliment if he's A. clearly desperate and therefore has no standards, or B. drunk, and therefore has no standards.

But any real male would fuck an attractive 24 yo woman.  :facepalm2:
Really?  I thought that was nine years too old for you.

I forgot. This is intensity. I should expect no intelligent discourse the majority of it's membership.
That's a bit of an over-generalization.  You did clearly make a mistake in expecting Lit to make sense when talking about sex and gender roles, though.  :P

Evolution is not about improving a species, it's purely to make it adapt ideally to it's surroundings and to provide the best candidate for survival.
Yes.  Thank you.  You have pointed out the problem with the majority of the "I believe that human beings will eventually evolve into a more enlightened species" arguments- they forget to take into account that being "englightened" (in most of the ways you choose to define it) isn't something that is currently rewarded on a genetic level, nor is it likely to ever be.

We are evolving. I believe that one day we will evolve beyond a biological or instinctual need to have sex. (that's not to say that people won't have it for fun)

GA, something tells me your hypothesis is more wishful thinking than based upon evidence tbh. There's obviously a range of sexual drives within the human species, and as far as animals go we're INCREDIBLY sexually-oriented. So it's not to say that some individuals might not have lower sexual drives than most. But then you come to the same problem: individuals with lower sexual drives are not likely to propagate and pass down that propensity to the same extent as more highly-driven individuals. So the trait would likely remain within a minority-- unless of course something were to change which gives replicative favor to the less sexually driven (e.g., a rampant and deadly string of STDs which wipe out the oversexed subpopulation).

But it's all about DNA replication. And in a sexual species, therefore, it's all about who's having sex.
Spoken like a woman who's getting laid on a regular basis and thouroughly enjoying herself.  :P

Also, what you said is true for the most part, but going back to the 'genetic level' argument, there are ways to propogate your DNA other than making your own offspring, through sex or otherwise.  On a genetic level, your own life is worth the same amount as any one person who shares 100% of your DNA (which would only apply to an identical twin), or any two people who share 50% of your dna (such as your mother, father, or children), etc etc.  So, taking care of your family (i.e. your genes) is another way to 'win' and, I think, explains a lot about self-sacrifice and why it got into our repitoire in the first place.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #170 on: July 27, 2009, 10:11:25 AM »

I forgot. This is intensity. I should expect no intelligent discourse the majority of it's membership.

You're right. I like to fuck, so that means I'm an idiot. Seriously, your elitist attitude is quite tiring.


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #171 on: July 27, 2009, 10:55:08 AM »
Just photoshop some dicks in his photos and he'll show his true colours. Such a pompous eejit, reminds me of Benoit in ways. It's funny though, he tries to be all high and mighty about being asexual, looking down on people... but he doesn't like people looking down on his little tranny-fanny fetish.

I used to think I was asexual and in ways I still am, but I realised I was only *holding* back my sexual urges. I reluctantly admitted that I get a boner for the opposite sex, but I still don't make it obvious. Does it make me an idiot? No. Sexual urges and intelligence are completely seperate.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 10:56:53 AM by Shleed. »


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #172 on: July 27, 2009, 11:07:15 AM »
Just photoshop some dicks in his photos and he'll show his true colours.
:lol: I took a while to stop laughing when you did that a couple of weeks ago.  :thumbup:

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #173 on: July 27, 2009, 11:13:45 AM »
But any real male would fuck an attractive 24 yo woman.  :facepalm2:
Really?  I thought that was nine years too old for you.
:P   Internets are super serious.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #174 on: July 27, 2009, 11:55:47 AM »
I'm curious to meet Randy.

 :lol: Me too, that would be interesting

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #175 on: July 27, 2009, 04:43:47 PM »
Neil Stephenson's view of the matter is that any given species fights to get ahead of other species via spamming cheap copies of themselves (also known as children) all over the place. If certain individuals pop up every so often who are not interested in spamming, there is no disadvantage in this, so long as they are otherwise usefully occupied in some way. I would put scholarly, artistic, and other such frivolous pursuits into the "usefully occupied" category.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #176 on: July 27, 2009, 04:45:41 PM »
Fair enough. I guess my statement was an observation that gave the illusion of purpose.

Semantics, though I get what you were saying. It's hard not to personify DNA because the whole process can appear so, well, purposeful...

But it's all about DNA replication. And in a sexual species, therefore, it's all about who's having sex.
Spoken like a woman who's getting laid on a regular basis and thouroughly enjoying herself.  :P

True, I'll not deny it.  :eyebrows: Although, ironically, my interest in my partner actually drove my interest in studying evolution and sexual selection. So I ended up reading more on replication/recombination and on the social evolution of species due to my own personal romantic interests.

Also, what you said is true for the most part, but going back to the 'genetic level' argument, there are ways to propogate your DNA other than making your own offspring, through sex or otherwise.  On a genetic level, your own life is worth the same amount as any one person who shares 100% of your DNA (which would only apply to an identical twin), or any two people who share 50% of your dna (such as your mother, father, or children), etc etc.  So, taking care of your family (i.e. your genes) is another way to 'win' and, I think, explains a lot about self-sacrifice and why it got into our repitoire in the first place.

Ah yes, complete brain fart, I'd forgotten. You're quite right. Reciprocal altruism and parental investment proposed by Trivers in the 70s. Should know better, I've got one of his books sitting on my shelf.  ::)

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #177 on: July 27, 2009, 05:11:37 PM »
Also, what you said is true for the most part, but going back to the 'genetic level' argument, there are ways to propogate your DNA other than making your own offspring, through sex or otherwise.  On a genetic level, your own life is worth the same amount as any one person who shares 100% of your DNA (which would only apply to an identical twin), or any two people who share 50% of your dna (such as your mother, father, or children), etc etc.  So, taking care of your family (i.e. your genes) is another way to 'win' and, I think, explains a lot about self-sacrifice and why it got into our repitoire in the first place.

Ah yes, complete brain fart, I'd forgotten. You're quite right. Reciprocal altruism and parental investment proposed by Trivers in the 70s. Should know better, I've got one of his books sitting on my shelf.  ::)
Lol, well, I didn't just mean parental investment- blood is thicker than water in general.  If you're interested, here's a really cool example of taking into account the way evolution really works to hypothesize why homosexuality manages to stay in the gene pool despite seeming like an evolutionary liability if you think the main point of life from an evolutionary standpoint is to have offspring:

And, I'd say reciprocal altruism goes more along with the game theory aspect of altruism and evolutionary psychology, but that's another story.  :P

(I took a class in evolutionary psych about a year ago and have been a bit of a geek about it myself since then- I thought I'd hate the class, but actually it sort of made everything make more sense, lol.)
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #178 on: July 27, 2009, 05:16:37 PM »
A good book that I really enjoyed on various related subjects was The Red Queen by Matt Ridley.


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Re: Intenistians you'd love to meet IRL
« Reply #179 on: July 27, 2009, 11:07:50 PM »
I forgot. This is intensity. I should expect no intelligent discourse the majority of it's membership.
You're right. I like to fuck, so that means I'm an idiot. Seriously, your elitist attitude is quite tiring.

That is an assumption, and not what I said.