You do such a good job taking care of your teeth that it's not fair you had to have one taken out.
The bugger had a leaking filling, or a hole under the filling, and me taking the best care in the world couldn't have rescued it. Just wish I started taking good care (the somewhat extreme way I do now) of my teeth way earlier in life.
(oh, I never neglacted them but.. )
I had to have a root canal in a tooth that had a crown because it got a cavity under the edge of the crown, so I had a similar situation to you. I should have gone in to see the dentist about it sooner than I did, though.
I am long overdue for the dentist myself, and I suspect I will have a lot of work to be done. 
Why have you delayed so long?
I don't trust dentists, for hygienic reasons partly, and also because I am afraid of being talked into expensive work that I don't need.
The last place I went, the dentist announced that he intended to put crowns on several of my teeth ... the one crown I do have
cost me $854 out of pocket, and I only got it because the tooth was broken in half.