Why do all the guys I meet have ex GF's in America? 
Geoff has an ex in the US. Geoff! Of all people!
*uses psychic powers* I sense the relationship ended amicably and merely due to the distance 
It's because American girls are just awesome! 
Of course all the American ladies here are awesome 
It's just....fear of history repeating I guess 
It's the "merely due to the distance" part that worries me. It's like saying "we still want to be together, but it's logistically impossible"
Are you living a lot closer to Geoff?
3 hours up the highway. Being geographically closer means nothing if his heart is (possibly) still 15,000km away though.
Was that what happened with the guys before Geoff?
Relationships do end now and then. Distance may be part of that, but, if it is only the distance that made them break up, then the guy isn't ready for something new imo. But, if it is only part of why it ended, then you should be safe, that is, if he is over it.
The other guy I'm talking to, Benny, doesn't have an ex overseas thank god! In fact he's not even willing to date outside a 50km radius of Sydney.
The guy before that, Josh, was saving up to go the US to try and get back with his GF, all while simultaneously scouting dating sites and consequently meeting me.
And the one before that?......Everyone here already knows the story