Wondering, or pondering on dogs.
I encounter quite a few every day. And some of them have changed their behaviour since I have my uniform. (got that a few months ago)
One has changed from curious and a bit territorial, towards much more aggressive behaviour. Snapping at my legs, arms and face, without actually biting, but still, very different from before.
The animal probably links me to other mail deliverers of my company it knew before. I can think of that.
But one of the dogs who has also become more territorial is a young dog. And I am almost the only one of my company it has ever seen. That's what I find weird.
The more smarter dogs do recognise my steps, gait and smell, and they don't react any different.
For cats it makes no difference at all. They treat me just the same.
People are more acting like the dogs on my uniform, though none of them has displayed any aggressive behaviour.