I was right. They checked my eyes and set a date for the surgery. 
To work on the scarring damage?
Yes, and attempt to realign the eyes. My left eye has limited mobility so they are going to fix that, too.
Hope it will work out very well.
Are you wearing prismatic glasses now?
No, I think my doc advised against them.
Why? Wouldn't it be less tiring to have an aligned vision?
Not sure, tbh.
I wear prismatics and I think the optometrist said that they can make the eyes lazy as all the work has been done for them. My eyes still don't align right while wearing prismatics either. My left eye has limited mobility as well.
I think you are lucky to be able to get your eyes fixed, odeon, but I am also nervous for you. It is your eyes that will be operated on! When will it happen?