I only take it up the arse when my boyfriend has a huge cock, sorry
So if you really want me, then you're gonna have to be on the receiving end 
Still here, I see? Not enough to report us, you just had to be here to get more? 
Must be his pals, or him browsing anon so he won't look like a faggot checking peoples messages that he has on ignore.
Too bad its easy to notice.
Guest 04:39:47 PM Viewing the board Main Event Callouts.
Guest 04:39:42 PM Viewing the topic YA'ALL GONNA GET RAPED!.
Guest 04:38:51 PM Viewing the board index of INTENSITY².
Guest 04:38:43 PM Viewing the topic Yo BITCH( I mean Bint).
Guest 04:48:32 PM Viewing the topic Hahaha Alfonso is ignoring me.
Guest 04:48:32 PM Viewing the topic YA'ALL GONNA GET RAPED!.