<----------Thats your ass, Bitch. 
Dude i'd suggest you use your 1337 hacking skills to find out where I live and come try to rape me. I'd kick your ass easily. As a matter of fact, if you're willing to travel for that crap, I could just give you my address. 
Seems I've heard that before, AJ. How about thinking up something original next time. Oh, I forgot - they don't let you think in the army.
Apparently AJ here got thrown out of the navy. Why? Cos he wouldn't take his turn in the barrel.
Whats with this AJ stuff? Also I thought that was smooth of you to anon lurk on here till I log off then try and attack my posts.
No, what's brave AJ is you trying to pass yourself off as mature picking fights on a pissy internet forum with people you claim are too old and fat. Honorable discharge indeed, you probably got a fucking section 8. Hell, you probably saw more of the inside of the brig than the parade ground...
Oh, and if you must know, AJ means Army Jerk. Jarhead in your fucked up lingo.