It is good that you see things changing for yourself, I hope you find what you are looking for.
thanks, i hope you do too.
i can love others easily. but i can love them from afar.
it's not a waste of time to dream.
i don't think you hate people if you want to ignore them. hating requires you giving them your attention and yes it drains you. you don't have to like everybody, it doesn't mean you hate them. give yourself a break.

the thing about treating others like yourself works both ways. you also have to treat yourself like you would like to treat others. as in treat everyone equally. everyone, even yourself. that means be forgiving to yourself because in the end it only matters how you judge yourself, noone else gets to judge you in a way that truly impacts you. we all judge ourselves there is no other judger. for me anyway, it's the hardest thing to forgive myself and accept myself as i am. when i can truly love myself i can get on the business of loving others. until then i'll always have problems with relationships because why would i want someone i love to settle for someone like me? that's what it comes down to.