i love gay shows because gay guys turn me on.

i was a huge X-Files fan. i miss it. are you kidding? X-Files is hilarious. they made it really funny at some point, where it was mostly a comedy, but even the darker times it was funny. i stopped watching when Mulder went away. it was a shame they didn't stop making it then, cuz X-Files isn't X-Files without Fox and Dana.

i haven't seen the rest of those. you seem to be a huge House fan. i was a gigantic Jeeves fan, it's weird seeing Hugh Laurie all americanized. i've seen clips of House.
One Tree Hill is a teen show, think Dawson's Creek but suckier.
i actually liked Dawson's Creek, it was popular when i was a miserable teen and all that, it hit the spot.

i couldn't enjoy it much today, i mean get a load of the goop. omg, and how many times can Joey talk about that boy from the creek who went on to become a bigtime director without it being a little too fucking weird? noone talks like that. and omg Dawson with his sappy movies, his movies were sucky. are they seriously expecting us to believe he could be successful? oh wait, there was that one guy who was almost as sappy... yeah, Spielberg was his namo.

omg, i want it all on DVD.