
Author Topic: should you ask me something?  (Read 34705 times)

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Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1245 on: October 15, 2007, 03:41:21 PM »
i'd rather be buried in a sarcophagus but those are cool too. :laugh: really though i want a certain urn and it's really expensive. i want to use it as a cookie jar before i die so i get some use out of it.

this is the one i want. the only one. it was love at first sight. i've been after this urn for years. ever since i saw it. it's magnificent. it's glorious. it's my urn. it will be mine. oh yes, it will be mine. :drool:

"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1246 on: October 15, 2007, 03:44:02 PM »
Whats the meaning of life Milla?

to experience new things. to learn and grow. to have fun.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."



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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1247 on: October 15, 2007, 03:46:33 PM »
i'd rather be buried in a sarcophagus but those are cool too. :laugh: really though i want a certain urn and it's really expensive. i want to use it as a cookie jar before i die so i get some use out of it.

this is the one i want. the only one. it was love at first sight. i've been after this urn for years. ever since i saw it. it's magnificent. it's glorious. it's my urn. it will be mine. oh yes, it will be mine. :drool:


you'll never afford it! live in the now! </garth>

Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1248 on: October 15, 2007, 03:49:28 PM »

i have the money but mom wouldn't let me buy it. :laugh: 745 dollar cookie jar.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."



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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1249 on: October 15, 2007, 03:56:20 PM »
thats daft. if its worth $745 to you where's the harm? its not like its summat trivial like a salt shaker.

Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1250 on: October 15, 2007, 03:59:28 PM »
the truth is i shouldn't buy it anyway. it's just a dream i guess. sides i'd rather spend my money on an exercise bike and Stargate DVDs. :P i just hope one day i would get to hold it. it's so pretty.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1251 on: October 15, 2007, 04:06:49 PM »

i have the money but mom wouldn't let me buy it. :laugh: 745 dollar cookie jar.
How exactly can mom stop you? Or are you underage for this site? :P

Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1252 on: October 15, 2007, 04:08:32 PM »
one thing she manages my money cuz i'm a spaz. :P plus i know she's right.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline DirtDawg

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1253 on: October 15, 2007, 05:33:10 PM »
the truth is i shouldn't buy it anyway. it's just a dream i guess. sides i'd rather spend my money on an exercise bike and Stargate DVDs. :P i just hope one day i would get to hold it. it's so pretty.

The store I work at has a box of Stargate, SG-1, ten seasons, for two hundred sixty nine dollars. That's only twenty seven dollars per season. I forget how many discs are in the collection, but it's pretty heavy.

It's not going to be in my budget for a while, but that is definitely the way to go.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1254 on: October 15, 2007, 05:34:07 PM »
OMG. :o
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."



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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1255 on: October 15, 2007, 05:39:22 PM »
the truth is i shouldn't buy it anyway. it's just a dream i guess. sides i'd rather spend my money on an exercise bike and Stargate DVDs. :P i just hope one day i would get to hold it. it's so pretty.

The store I work at has a box of Stargate, SG-1, ten seasons, for two hundred sixty nine dollars. That's only twenty seven dollars per season. I forget how many discs are in the collection, but it's pretty heavy.

It's not going to be in my budget for a while, but that is definitely the way to go.

If I bought that, my family wouldn't see me for a week!

Offline renaeden

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1256 on: October 15, 2007, 10:45:28 PM »
the truth is i shouldn't buy it anyway. it's just a dream i guess. sides i'd rather spend my money on an exercise bike and Stargate DVDs. :P i just hope one day i would get to hold it. it's so pretty.
I think you should buy the urn, it would last you the rest of your life and beyond so it is worth it.
The store I work at has a box of Stargate, SG-1, ten seasons, for two hundred sixty nine dollars. That's only twenty seven dollars per season. I forget how many discs are in the collection, but it's pretty heavy.
Is it in special packaging?
We have bought all our seasons of Stargate separately so we cannot get the one you speak of. Now we are almost up to season 8.
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Offline enronh

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1257 on: October 16, 2007, 02:53:04 AM »
No subtitles though.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 11:08:03 AM by enronhubbard »

Offline SovaNu

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1258 on: October 16, 2007, 07:23:27 AM »
i have. it's funny but i can't understand a word! same with SpongeBob. :laugh: but Paramount Comedy shows both so i get my fill.
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

"We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much, the best of us is washed away."


Offline Alex179

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Re: should you ask me something?
« Reply #1259 on: October 16, 2007, 07:36:33 AM »
That is a nice looking urn.   I waver back and forth about what I want to have done with my remains.   I also want to be cremated, but I have changed my mind several times over what to do with my ashes.
:P   Internets are super serious.