Why are you putting up personal information of someone without their permission? To what end? For what purpose?
Despots have no rights. 
Everyone has rights.
Says who?
So where does that leave your Autism rights movement? Only those Auties that you approve of have rights, or what?
Special measures have to be taken for traitors to the cause.
So running a website in a manner that Hadron does not approve of makes a person a traitor? It can't be a simple disagreement or being misguided?
Aw fuck man thats starting to sound like that faggot bird, calandale.

What makes your own comment sound so ridiculous is that there is a huge difference between simply not liking someone versus proclaiming them a traitor. The reason Treason was made so difficult to charge in the Constitution is that the old charge of lese majeste http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lese-majeste was often just whatever was construed as an insult to the King, even if the King was an idiot. Hadron does not have any definite plan and the way he is handling the discussion in this thread doesn't make me think he will do any better with political organizing or getting many people to see his points given the sympathy that he continues to give to school shooter murderers and killing NTs. Now we can add the idea that anyone who doesn't run an autism website the way Hadron likes is a fucking traitor? Whether you like sinsboldly, or not, it's just fucking stupid to alienate every fucking aspie/autie who either likes how WP is run, and there are a lot, or has just never posted there and can't be arsed to give a shit about yours and Hadrons personal vendetta against her. And stating that Sinsboldly, Alex and the rest of the staff over there are traitors and don't deserve any rights because you and Hadron don't like them will have that effect.
I agree with you, that Sinsboldly has the same rights no matter what someone thinks of her personally.
I am curious how Depressed Mode came by his information.
I see that she posted this information on her WP blog, so this much she has already made publicly available:
About Sinsboldly
Name: Merle Morrigan
Gender: Female
Location: Oregon, USA
Occupation: Health Insurance Fraud Analyst
Interests: apparently, posting on this forum
How did you find out the rest of her information that you posted, Depressed Mode?
Just diggin around on the internets 
If she is going to ban people at whim then she has to understand that:
A) The internet is NOT anonymous, people CAN find out who you are
B) She is making ENEMIES by her behavior and she definitely has made one of me. 
Whats worst is that she thinks she can get away with it and someone has got to put a stop to her.
Perhaps you should also realise that WrongPlanet isn't your personal playground. If you go into a restaurant and mess up the place you're going to get kicked out, and likely never be welcome back. Also WrongPlanet isn't public domain, it's Alex Plank's site. He owns it, and pays for it (I'm not going into the whole donations thing), and so forth.
Don't be so arrogant to assume because it exists then you should be allowed in to have your fun and games. Access to sites on the internet are a privilege not a right. Don't like it, start your own.
I don't know what Sinsboldly is doing or not doing, frankly I don't care, but this is the internet, don't take it so seriously.