"wat wil je drinken? Wil je wat water, met citroen?"
I understand that. I now suspect that you are impersonating a Dutch cow.
Did you understand that without the help of any translation tool (human or non human)?
And what part do you think I am impersonating, the Dutch, of the cow part?
Last I said now:
"Wil je nog wat drinken M?"
"En wat wil je dan drinken?"
I haven't checked with a translation tool. I suspect that you making up words that sound Dutch.
Perhaps the language itself is a conspiracy, and you all speak Klingon.
My translation is:
"wat wil je drinken? Wil je wat water, met citroen?"
"What will he/she/they drink? Will he/she/they want water, with lemon?"
My new translation is:
"Wil je nog wat drinken M?"
"Hey, M, will he/she/they drink nog?"
"En wat wil je dan drinken?"
"And what will he/she/they/you have?"